In the days of myth and legend, the beautiful Calypso ruled the seas, and all sailors both loved and feared her, even though she too had mortal blood. Odysseus was forced to stay with Calypso because he had no ship, crew or other means to leave. None of those heroes whom she falls for would ever be able to stay with her. 573 ff (trans.

As punishment for her support in the First Titanomachy, she was banished to Ogygia, a remote island where different heroes whom she couldn't help but fall in love with would end up. She detained the hero Odysseus for many years in the course of his wanderings after the fall of Troy but was eventually commanded by Zeus to release him.CALYPSO (Kalupsô). There is some discussion that this might be an entirely different Calypso from the one found in Homer’s tale.Finally, Apollodorus gives her an entirely different parentage. This goddess of love, beauty, and seductionhas powers over life and death. Kalypso (Καλυψω) was the daughter of one of the Titans, generally being regarded as a daughter of Atlas, and probably Klymene. She was ordered to let Odysseus go by the Olympians, though she wasn’t particularly happy about that fact. Gullick) (Greek rhetorician C2nd to 3rd A.D.) :Pseudo-Hyginus, Fabulae 125 (trans. Her offer of immortality to Odysseus was sincere. In "The Odyssey," the goddess Athena described how Calypso used her charms to make Odysseus forget his home. Calypso gave him the task of guiding the spirits of the dead lost at sea, and Jones accepted the task out of love for her. When she touches Jones, he momentarily transforms back into the man he once was.

23 - 24 (trans. Calypso is a goddess. Thus, her true motives are revealed: she plans to use her powers against the current court in revenge for the original act of turning her into a human. Mythology. With Calypso’s guidance, Odysseus builds a boat and sails away.

(Pomp. Trypanis) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.)

Calypso may have had a liaison with Hermes. Calypso is also furious that the Pirate Lords trapped her in her human form.

Mela, ii. Facts about Calypso 10: Epic of Gilgamesh.
She controlled the seas along with Poseidon, and her temper was well-known to be as unpredictable as the waves. :Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca E7. Little else is said about Calypso until she meets Odysseus, who describes her as living in luxury on an island apart from gods and humans.While many of the Olympian gods had specific powers or areas -- for example, Aphrodite was the goddess of love and beauty, Athena was the goddess of wisdom and battle -- Calypso was a lesser goddess, also referred to as a nymph. According to Homer, Calypso kept Odysseus prisoner at Ogygia for seven years. Calypso’s origins are very confusing in Greek mythology. Calypso is a figure from Greek mythology that has very unclear origins. Calypso was a third generation Titan, daughter of Atlas. Facts about Calypso 9: the name.

According to Homer, Calypso was a nymph, a kind of minor female goddess that is deeply connected to a specific place. 35) (trans. She was also vengeful and, being a very powerful goddess, she was extremely dangerous when angered, summoning a devastating storm after discovering that Davy Jones had told the Brethren Court how to trap her in the form of a human.

Daughter of the Titan Atlas, Calypso was a goddess of renowned beauty.

His patron goddess Athena asks Zeus to order the release of Odysseus from the island, and Zeus orders the messenger Hermes to tell Calypso to set Odysseus free, for it was not his destiny to live with her forever.