“We made our design choices because we believe they were what was best for our application.” The app opens on the camera to make it easier to take a photo or video immediately, he says. TikTok is a very irresponsible company, dangerous by design. None of these guidelines must be followed, but choosing to ignore such advice is risky.“It just controvenes everything I’ve been taught and everything I practiced in my design career to date,” says Cennydd Bowles, a freelance designer who’s previously led the design team at Twitter, worked for the BBC and Samsung, and is the author of Undercover User Experience Design. “They were just downright weird, some of these design decisions,” he says. Interface guidelines for iOS, he adds, talk about the need for clarity and lucidity, “but abstract, essentially meaningless icons have become extremely popular".Icons and text aside, the main difference with this new rule-breaking design is what Bowles calls the spatial metaphor of the app – essentially its structure and patterns. In short, not recommendable for children or adults, particularly thanks to its sinister and addictive content recommendation system. “As a platform that encourages everyone to be a creator, our main goal is to lower the barriers for content creation, from app design to the editing tools and filters that we introduced.”Bowles suggests the design decisions may also help encourage “play and serendipity” in apps that are used for fun rather than as purposeful tools, but there’s also a theory that such apps are designed to keep out older users. As Snapchat was mobile first, he explains, it was never designed for use on desktop.
Discover. The designers behind Snapchat are aware they’re breaking with convention, says Jack Brody, director of product at Snap. “I think a lot of the earlier companies ended up porting over desktop designs, and people got used to that,” he says, adding TikTok was also clearly designed for mobile first.And then there’s the globalisation of apps; our own Western design assumptions aren’t necessarily held elsewhere.

Its problems lie in its very conception and the culture behind it. Google, meanwhile, has an entire page about which colours work with which backgrounds. Brody says the core of the criticism centred on a decision to separate social from media. In your inbox every Saturday by 10am. Consider video. TikTok is the destination for short-form mobile videos. Our mission is to capture and present the world's creativity, knowledge, and precious life moments, directly from the mobile phone. “Maybe there is something to say that people like me – mid-career folks who are pretty sure that this is how good design is done – maybe we’ve been overly stringent,” he says. TikTok is the most extensive content moderation system that has ever existed. “If you offer enough of a sufficient upside, enough value and excitement, people are going to struggle through whatever design mistakes you’ve made and find a way to learn [an app],” Bowles says.Despite extensive testing, the last major redesign for Snapchat sparked complaints; of course, that happens with most noticeable changes to apps and online services. Three years since TikTok was launched, the video-sharing social network TikTok might be described as a repository of canned content to be conveniently remixed with user-created videos, a viral meme generating machine that makes users feel like rock stars, and has even been used as a way to coordinate protests against Donald Trump by And of course if you dare to criticize TikTok, you’ll simply be told that Why are so many people and institutions attacking a seemingly innocent app? Don’t say you weren’t warned.”Did you know Family Zone can block TikTok with a single click?Find out more about our world-leading parental controls, and start your free trial today.Sign up now to try Family Zone for 1 month, totally free of charge.A major study has found socioeconomic status has an outsize impact on the amount of screen-time kids consume.Our devotion to the 'gram is quite literally changing the structure of our brains, and the implications for our mental health and wellbeing ...Go on, admit it. You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. TikTok breaks all the rules of app design – but somehow it still works Unreadable text, obscure and confusing icons and non-existent menus. (Last year, TikTok was forced to pay a record-breaking $5.7 million fine to the US Federal Trade Commission to settle similar claims.) Buy Pack … To make that claim, we need to understand the status quo in … “You’d always want to have an icon or establish a special hierarchy or layout.