A replaced the owl type with the profile of a king. These practicing lessons are really very helpful for me. Re-taking Ielts on April 13th..hoping for the best!! Shaped from an outcrop of stone in the form of a human-headed lion, the face is possibly a portrait of King Khafra, the son of Cheops, who was buried in the second largest pyramid. AII these subjects and many more were used symbolically and conventionally as motifs in low-relief carving and painting. (the) Queen's Chamber   7. Its appeal lies in the colour photography and the illustrations.

Sustained by the River Nile and protected by vast deserts, the Egyptians lived in comparative security, prosperity and peace far thousands of years. Nope, because the surface is related to the floor of a building whilst the passage says about "exterior" of the building. The people of ancient Egypt emerged as one of the first Western civilisations. Exterior= facade of the building. It was told, we suppose, to people crouched around a fire: a tale of adventure, most likely-relating some close encounter with death; a remarkable hunt, an escape from mortal danger; a vision, or something else out of the ordinary. To this day, many of the Egyptian artistic creations display the wealth, splendour and talent of this great civilisation. Sustained by the River Nile and protected by vast deserts, the Egyptians lived in comparative security, prosperity and peace far thousands of years. Situated directly below the King’s Chamber is the Queen’s Chamber and there are two air channels leading upwards from the centre of the pyramid to the outside.Originally the exterior was covered in highly polished limestone slabs, all of which have been stolen over the years. It reveals the remarkable ingenuity and the great organising ability of the ancient Egyptians.Near these pyramids stands the Great Sphinx, the origin and purpose of which constitute one of the world’s most famous puzzles.

The people of ancient Egypt emerged as one of the first Western civilisations. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-28, which are based on reading passage 2 below. A.

READING PASSAGE 2. When such conditions exist, the civilisation and its arts usually flourish. Many theories, few answers. In about 3000 BC, Upper and Lower Egypt were united under the first pharaoh, and generally, from that time until the invasion by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, Egypt prospered as a nation of skilful craftsmen and artists.The Egyptians were industrious, highly civilised and deeply religious people, who obediently accepted the supreme authority of their pharaohs. IELTS Reading; IELTS Reading Practice Test; Tips to Improve IELTS Reading Skills; Reading Passage 2. Sustained by the River Nile and ... Write your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. B was a thin, wide metal disk. FALSE   9. Had it not been for the long-lasting nature of their monuments and carved inscriptions in the form of hieroglyphics’, much evidence of their activities would have vanished from all historical records. They considered this earthly life to be a segment in a great cycle, at the end of which everything would be returned to its original form.

Reviews of books reading practice test has 5 questions belongs to the General Training subject. When such conditions exist, the civilisation and its arts usually flourish. Ancient Egypt. D Yes, I also think that it should be 'Not Given' rather than 'False'. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It was the custom of the Egyptians to depict the various parts of the human figure, usually in the most characteristic positions. Wall decoration showed little or no attempt to indicate depth or perspective, except by placing distant objects above near things.