Infrared Sauna vs Traditional Sauna: ONLY ONE CAN WIN!What is the BEST WOOD for Sauna Construction (Benches, Walls, Floors)Copyright 2020 — Heat and Steam. An infrared sauna radiates infrared (non-visable) light at wavelength that will be directly absorbed by the body. In discussions of infrared saunas, you will often hear infrared saunas as creating a “deep penetrating heat.” What is meant by this is that the infrared rays emitted by the panels pass through the air, through your clothes or towel, through you skin and directly into your body.This is because the wavelength of infrared sauna is specifically matched to be absorbed by the body. To ensure that you remain safe while using a steam sauna, let’s go over the basics of steam room safety.Unborn children and babies under the age of one years old have not yet developed temperature regulation systems in their body and can lead to seriously dangerous effects.
In both cases, the stress triggers your body to adapt and this process results in a myriad of benefits. This is the same as an infrared sauna, but more specific. Every now and then you even need to clean and replace the sauna rocks. Concerned infrared sauna users should note that these NIOSH recommendations are in the context of occupational safety. A traditional sauna heats the air inside the sauna which, in turn, heats the body. A traditional type of sauna is made of cedar and must have a vapor barrier in the wall. Because you aren’t ladling water from a bucket, dripping water everywhere, and to filling the sauna with steam, cleaning efforts can be directed specifically at areas where you are sitting and sweating. The rays will pass right through to your body. Here the winner is the Infrared Sauna. Water must be tossed on the heating element of a steam sauna to moderate the humidity required to protect your lungs, skin and eyes. This is because, in order to provide infrared rays, infrared heating panels must be distributed relatively evenly throughout the sauna. Both the traditional sauna and the infrared sauna are effective at this.One isn’t even necessarily faster than the other. Ideal for both domestic and commercial use. The traditional sauna also provides for a richer, fuller experience.
In parts of the world, the traditional sauna has served the same social function as the local pub. Get an infrared sauna and don’t feel any regrets.But for me, the traditional sauna is the clear winner. A larger 4-person sauna will cost about 54 cents. If you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you Your email address will not be published. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) does not consider exposure to EMFs to be a proven health hazard. Rento Accessories. Infrared saunas contain flat infrared heating panels that are typically built into the wall. To be brief: a traditional sauna uses a heater to heat the sauna room with hot air. Typically the sauna user will keep a bucket of water and a ladle to pour water onto the heated rocks creating steam. Visible light is radiation with wavelengths between 400 nm and 700 nm.Infrared rays have slightly longer wavelengths than visible light. However, traditionalists may opt for a wood burning heater–the same as sauna enthusiasts have been doing for thousands of years. These steam sauna generators pump steam through the room which creates humidity levels of 100 percent. may receive commissions on purchases made from the links on this page. There are benefits of a traditional sauna related to heat, like control over the humidity or the sauna aesthetic, but these will be considered separately below. Infrared saunas, on the other hand, have no such feature. And 2 or more people can certainly chat in an infrared sauna.But traditional saunas have been communal for literally thousands of years. In addition to decreased cardiovascular disease, men who used the sauna 4 to 7 times per week had a 40% lower all cause mortality rate than men that used the sauna only 1 per week. Steam rooms offer similar experiences to traditional saunas, but the increased levels of humidity create more moisture in the air which provides a slightly different sensation to the to the bather.Just like traditional saunas, steam saunas pose potential risks to users that aren’t bathing under optimal conditions. Perhaps the most all-encompassing testament to the general health benefits of heat stress was the study of 2,315 Finnish men. I’m going to declare Infrared Saunas the winner when it comes to size. You get the full sauna experience.The infrared sauna just cannot compete with the experience and atmosphere of the traditional sauna.