But an episode like this illuminates why self-conscious “romps” like, say, “The Return Of Doctor Mysterio” rarely work. The ice. In a nice little twist on this standard scene, the girl appears unconvinced by Bill’s promises, asking what she contributes to the operation. “Thin Ice” does some of the latter, with both Bill’s assurance to the girl and the Doctor’s big speech failing to have the expected effect. That's what defines a species.Find out how to watch the past, present and future adventures of everyone's favourite Time Lord!BBC, DOCTOR WHO, DALEK and TARDIS (word marks, logos & devices) are trademarks of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Such sudden shifts between light and dark could undermine both aspects of the episode, but Dollard’s script is nimble enough to make keeping the audience off-balance into an asset. BILL boggles at the elephant.

Adventures across time and space with the time-travelling hero. And, in fairness, the show hasn’t necessarily been going for fun recently, with season nine in particular drawing power from the more complex, serious stories the show could tell with a (by new series standards) long-tenured Doctor and companion pairing.
Perhaps my droningly encyclopedic knowledge (more on that in a second) is failing me here, but I can’t think of a previous story devoting so much time to a companion processing the first death they witness. Human progress isn't measured by industry. ... Will the Doctor and Bill stop the slaughter before they too are dragged into the icy waters? “Thin Ice” does some of the latter, with both Bill’s assurance to the girl and the Doctor’s big speech failing to have the expected effect. Award-winning, full-cast original audio dramas from the worlds of Doctor Who, Torchwood, Blake's 7, Class, Dark Shadows, The Avengers, Survivors, The Omega Factor, Star Cops, Sherlock Holmes, Dorian Gray, Pathfinder Legends, The Prisoner, Adam Adamant Lives, Space 1999, Timeslip and Terrahawks, Space Precinct, Into Infinity, Gemini Force One Even when called upon to make his big Doctor speech about human equality, he goes small. Now, one can go too far in assessing a show based on how well it accords with a particular sociopolitical project, even if it’s one I’m hardly alone in seeing as a moral imperative. The Thin Doctor is in wide release, and everyone will soon know just how hot a trolling spoon the Thin Doctor really is.The Thin Doctor is the only DOUBLE ACTION trolling spoon there is.… Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie are a brilliant comedic double act, with the Doctor especially getting a ton of great lines. Thank you for taking the trouble to report this, we appreciate the vigilance of our fans. The entire city has turned out for the biggest Frost Fair in decades! Snow The Doctor gets in another round of protestations about how the sonic screwdriver is totally sonic and totally a screwdriver, seriously. DOCTOR WHO SERIES 10 EPISODE 3 "Thin Ice" by Sarah Dollard PINK SCRIPT 08/08/2016 (SHOOTING BLOCK 2) 1 EXT. An unimportant life. London, 1814.

Thin Ice. Not at all: It just makes it an episode of a show that has run for 10 seasons, to say nothing of the 26 classic seasons atop which the new series sits. Logos © 1996. Doctor Who: Series 10. Capaldi is the subtlest performer of the four new series Doctors. The boy who died on the river, that boy's value is your value. What is perhaps Mackie’s foremost task is a quietly difficult one: Play Bill as a real, average person reacting to the alternately fantastical and traumatic events unfolding around her. An unimportant life. “Thin Ice” is a brilliantly cracking yarn about racism, climate change, and income inequality. Bill is still learning what it means to be a companion, with the Doctor explicitly still positioning himself as tutor, but both Dollard’s script and Mackie’s performance present Bill as someone whose mistakes are those of inexperience, not naivete or foolishness. Human progress isn’t measured by industry. This episode is also the first instance where Mackie is called upon to play the hallmark scene for any new series companion: the scene in which she assures a scared child that all is going to be okay.
"Thin Ice" ← L&O, Episode 11.08 → Production number: E1310 First aired: 20 December 2000 th of 456 produced in L&O ← th of 456 released in L&O → th of 1229 released in all Teleplay By Barry Schindel & Matt Witten Story By Bernard Goldberg Directed By Jace Alexander Her comic timing is a good match for Capaldi, bringing out Bill’s sense of humor without it feeling like she’s an actor trading wisecracks.

Capaldi can chew the scenery with the best of them when it’s called for—his speech about war in “The Zygon Inversion” is that defined, and it might be my favorite Doctor monologue in all Mackie too shines in what proves to be a showcase for Bill. St Paul’s on the foggy skyline.