In constructing a chronology for the Pentateuch is important to understand that for the time period before the Patriarchs (Gen 1-11), OT data are very limited and concise and there exists the possibility of gaps in the genealogical biblical records recorded in Genesis 5 and 11 (Archer 1979:361-365) as such genealogies were not intended to serve a narrow chronological purpose as is the case in the modern sense. Speaking of him, the writer of Hebrews declares that without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, he, like the Son of God remains a priest forever (Heb 7:3). Israel’s view of the world: Genesis 1-11. The Greek word Pentateuch (“five books”) refers to the first five books of the Bible, collectively to Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. (See Mendenhall 1955 & 1962, and, Kline 1963, who deal with the issue of covenant in Israel in detail; see also Livingston 1974:153-157.

The vassal must make a thorough commitment to the suzerain to the exclusion of all alien alliances.2.

While the gospels contain many references to Moses and his writings, the most important ones are found in the gospel of John. It is has been established that the fourth year of Solomon's reign was ca. The frequent references to individual life spans and to regnal years of kings, as well as such chronological data as the interval between the Exodus and the building of the Temple of Solomon (1 Kings 6:1), and the length of the Egyptian sojourn (Exod 12:40, 41), serve to establish major chronological data points of OT Hebrew history. In John 5:46-47, Jesus Himself declares that Moses wrote about Him, but the Jews did not believe that He was the Christ because they did not believe what Moses wrote. Thus Melchizedek typifies Christ as high priest. The latter choice is usually accepted as correct since Thebes was the capital of early 18th dynasty Egypt; hence, Amenhotep I is given an accession date in 1526 BC, although the possibility of 1546 BC is not entirely dismissed. But ratification of the covenant was not restricted to this one event, but rather was necessarily repeated with each renewal of the covenant as is recorded in Deuteronomy 29 when Moses led Israel in a covenant renewal on the Plains of Moab, and in Joshua 24 when Joshua led Israel in covenant renewal at Shechem.Further identification of the Mosaic Covenant components with the suzerainty treaty components is primarily based on a summary by Hannah (1985:137) as:

It also contains two censuses; one to organize into better defense (Numbers 1:1-46) and the second to prepare to conquer east of the Jordan River (Numbers 26). ), it is argued that the Exodus could not have occurred prior to 1290 B.C. When the sons of Israel are tested by Joseph, Judah, as Christ who came after him, offers himself as a substitute in place of his brother Benjamin (Gen 44:32-33).

Rameses predecessor, Set I, reigned for only twelve years, clearly not long enough to account for the time Moses spent in Midian. This is reiterated again by saying, “Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His living-kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments” (7:9, NASB).In summation, the five books of the Pentateuch each serves a specific purpose and reflects history regarding origin; not only of creation but also the origin of the Israel nation and our faith as Christ followers. Terms like "son" and "father" can mean not only '(grand)son' and '(grand)father' but also 'descendant' and 'ancestor' respectively. The importance of chronology in establishing a history of a nation has been underscored by Thiele (1983:33):CHRONOLOGY IS THE BACKBONE of history. Those who looked on the serpent were delivered and received, or did not loose, their physical life, while all who “look” on Christ lifted up on the cross by faith receive eternal life.The typological significance of the sacrifices and feasts of Israel is discussed in the Analysis and Synthesis of the Book of Leviticus presented in Chapter 4.Three covenants are recorded in the Pentateuch; the Noahic, the Abrahamic, and the Mosaic. ).The recipients of the Pentateuch are clearly the Israelites, redeemed and delivered from bondage in Egypt, separated to Yahweh, and then brought into covenant-relationship with Him at Sinai. In this regard Joseph was sent before his brothers to prepare the way for their deliverance in the time of great famine (Gen 45:4-8; 47:23-25; 50:20-21). Editor's Note: Numbers 1:11 in this graphic should probably read Numbers 1:18, and the reference to Numbers 25:18 is uncertain.

Nevertheless it is helpful to present in brief a case for Mosaic authorship.The Pentateuch is, in a sense, an anonymous work since it does not explicitly state who wrote it. Faith is involved in both cases. In our daily walk with God, we must depend on His provisions. Scholars have long thought so, though modern skeptics point to a lack of definitive proof. In particular, archaeological evidence found at Jericho, Ai, and Hazor suggest that they were destroyed about 1400 B.C. Have you ever struggled with reading the Old Testament when trying to relate it to your life today by means of application? In the following, each covenant is briefly discussed in terms of its nature, function, and form.A covenant in the OT is a sworn agreement between two parties, where no blood relation exists. While it is possible to conclude as some have that the witness of the Pentateuch itself to Mosaic authorship can be understood as confirming only that certain portions of the text were written by Moses, there is nevertheless other credible biblical evidence to support his writing of the text. Several explanations have been set forth concerning the 430 years noted by Paul (see Kitchen 1966:53). The NT highly praises both Abraham and Moses, but it was Moses who appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration, along with Elijah, to talk with Jesus (Matt 17:3-8).Though he was born into a Jewish household as a member of the tribe of Levi, he was raised an Egyptian by Pharaoh's daughter and given an education befitting a prince of the royal household. Without exact chronology there can be no exact history.