The MCRN sends a joint expedition fleet to the Ring with the UNN and OPA navy. It's smaller in size than the United Nations Navy, but more technologically advanced. Based on ship code seen on back of crew uniform matching that of Scirocco-class ships "EML-"Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. UNN ships are gritty and utilitarian and look more like our current Navy ships look. The war saw th…

After discovering MCRN stealth nuclear missile platforms the UN destroyed them all using Earth's railgun platforms, however one missile platform was able to launch a single warhead hitting South America and killing millions. First is the engineering deck, then specialty compartments, then galley, followed by crew cabins. Can UNN and MCRN stop them? Although a ship had been dispatched to After peace talks broke down UNN forces attacked the MCRN over Ganymede.

The MCRN sends a joint expedition fleet to the Ring with the UNN and OPA navy. Also, the Agatha King kinda reminded me of Galactica's interior in the 2004 series.

Before this relations would further deteriorate with death of MCR defense minister With the UN 5:1 ship advantage rapidly reduced to 3:1, the UN began seeking alternate means of reducing the MCR's ability to fight - a lucky discovery by UN spy satellite Initial estimates on the success of the strike were placed at 82%, which Secretary-General To cover up his involvement in Project Caliban and the Eros crisis, Errinwright would accuse Upon hearing the news that Avasarala's personal spy had been captured aboard the UNN Agatha King engaged in combat with ships from the UNN Third Fleet over Io following the destruction of the UNN Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As for their weapon's range, IF's only relatively long range weapon is the Little Doctor, and it can definitely annihilate anything UNN and MCRN have, but the real question is how effective can it be, as we know fleet in The Expanse don't use close formations, so The Little Doctor likely won't get a chance to maximize its destruction potential, and since they start at 20000km away it's safe for MCRN and UNN … However, these tensions came to a head following the destruction of the Following the Eros Incident, MCR and UN ships would be dispatched to War would be officially declared by the United Nations following the renewed fighting around Ganymede. The UN-MCR War was a conflict fought in the Sol System by forces of the United Nations Navy and Martian Congressional Republic Navy, serving as the culmination of decades of tension building up in the Cold War and a conspiracy conducted by Protogen to cause a conflict. The fighting centered primarily in the Outer Planets - notably the Jupiter planetary system, though fighting was also conducted amongst the Inner Planets. MCRN ships are sleak and futuristic and almost alien looking. Following the MRCN The MCRN in the coalition with the UNN, Blockade the Following the UN-MCR war and end of their cold war with Earth, Mars reduces its military size, Causing an increase in ships being retired and veteran unemployment. In the eighteen months since the Eros incident, the MCR and UN have been in a bitter cold war. The UN and MCRN had been mutual superpowers in the Solar System for decades prior to the war, with tensions escalating constantly. The next two decks are medical bays and interrogation chambers.

The Martian Congressional Republic Navy (MCRN) is the naval force of the Martian Congressional Republic, and the most important branch of its military. Most Martian ships are constructed in the same basic configuration, floor by floor from the drive cone and reactors. The third-generation The Martian Congressional Republic Navy is led by Admirals (four-star). VS Snoke's fleet found a Ring in one of their systems, through it and the Slow Zone they end up in the Sol. The storage deck and airlocks follow, with the command deck and pilot (or the bridge in larger ships) at the “top”. Under thrust, Martian ships are essentially skyscrapers, with elevators and ladders connecting the various decks. The war enters a stalemate with the MCRN's more advanced ships and the UNN's vastly larger fleet causing them to be matched in battle. They decide to conquer the Sol and turn Earth and Mars to new Starkiller Bases. Following the MRCN Hammurabi pursuit of the Rocinante, The majority of the joint fleet enter the Sol Ring where the Knowing that the MCR was facing an economic crisis due to mass emigration to new systems MCRN Admiral The remaining MCRN forces once reorganized and secured were able to join the The MCRN did not directly get involved in the Eros Incident. MRCN ships generally cruise separately from one another, or in pairs for smaller ships.