In Greek mythology, she was similar to Tyche who was the ruler of luck. The grief-stricken Neptune sent a dolphin to seek her and persuade the fair nymph to share his throne. Many of these represented Aphrodite as well. Frequently, Fortuna was an oracular Roman deity consulted in various ways in terms of the future. Salacia was identified with Amphitrite in Greek mythology. Diana was represented as directing the movements of the moon from her chariot, thus she was thought of as the goddess of light. Of all the three virgin Roman goddesses, she was the most virgin and clean but interestingly was addressed as the mother who granted fertility. Ceres was also the goddess of the common people. That’s why they showed big amounts of appreciation to her. Neptune was her consort. Venus was so important to the citizens of ancient Rome that many regarded themselves as her descendants. Salacia was the female divinity of the sea, worshipped as the goddess of salt water who presided over the depths of the ocean.

While Jupiter was often referred to as the King of Gods, it made sense that Juno would later be known as the Queen of Gods. Once done, hit a button below for fun Juno was revered for her attention to the Roman women, especially married women. It’s clear that these Roman goddesses fulfilled different functions that corresponded to numerous aspects of life. Browse through our collection of God pictures, deity pictures at In the botanical field, her name refers to the plant life in a certain region. Nevertheless, her identity is seen as ambiguous due to her contradictory association with the phallus. Given the overtones of fertility and sexuality, it should come as no surprise that Venus gave birth to many children. Due to her various roles, she had many titles including Minerva Armipotens (patron of strategy and powerful in arms), Minerva Luscinia (meaning ‘nightingale for she invented the flute), Minerva Castitis (patron of olive trees) and Minerva Medica (patron of doctors). She was also an official custodian of marriage laws. Therefore, violation of these laws was considered an affront to her.

In Rome, she was also considered as a protector of the plebeians and slaves. Other symbols associated with her include dolphins, doves, scallop shell, pomegranates, mirrors, pearls, and girdles. Luna was the feminine personification of the moon. Despite being seen as pure, smart, and talented, Diana was also said to be vengeful at times and had a very unpredictable nature. Her temples were situated on Aventine Hill and were built on the 6th B.C.E. Furthermore, her ability to renew old things made her the goddess of blossoming, renewal, and spring. They swore to protect the fire at her altar and to keep it burning. Last on the list of Roman goddesses is Fortuna. Her name actually denoted the wide, open sea, derived from the Latin word sal which meant salt.
however, it was destroyed during Emperor Nero’s reign. Furthermore, she was also part of another trinity. Salacia is the Roman goddess of saltwater; she is the Greek equivalent of Amphitrite and, as queen of the sea, she is Neptune/Poseidon's consort.. Her symbol was, without a doubt, a crescent moon. Browse this list for Roman names for your little goddess. She is the equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite. In Greek mythology, Minerva was highly influenced by Athena. These goddesses vowed to never marry but rather dedicated their lives to their works. Among her numerous nicknames, she was also referred to as Fortuna Dubia (doubtful) or even Fortuna Mala (evil).

Her most important role among many was being the goddess of childbirth and marriage. However, he loved her so much that he gave her a golden carriage drawn by doves to pull her around. However, Prosepine had to spend six months in the underworld every year as a bargain. She managed to glide out of his sight with celerity and grace and hid from him in the Atlantic Ocean. Many slaves sought refuge in her temples. Ceres was depicted as a human woman donning robes. She was known to be a gracious winner in battles, who had sympathy for the beaten enemies. The Romans regarded her highly and placed such importance on her.
She was equated with the Greek goddess Selene, and to some extent, even Hekate. She’s portrayed to have born fully grown, just like other Roman deities, and was depicted to be beautiful, tall, and youthful in appearance. Juno was the daughter of the god Saturn and married to Jupiter (god of thunder and sky) who was her own twin brother.

A Roman deity of varying avenues – ranging from wisdom, poetry, medicine to art, crafts and commerce, Minerva was aptly called the ‘goddess of thousand works’ by Ovid. A collection of Goddess Salacia pictures, Goddess Salacia images. Browse through our collection of God pictures, deity pictures at Thus, she was also portrayed as a hunter, accompanied by hunting dogs and a boar head at her side. That’s why she was regarded as the bearer of prosperity as well as increase. Salacia Crystal Collection Roman Mythology. When it comes to the genealogy of Roman gods, Minerva was said to come out from Jupiter’s forehead after the supreme god swallowed her mother Metis. Diana was also praised for her intelligence as well. That being said, it’s accurate to say that she was the mother of Rome. Consequently, she forgot all about making the world nutritious and fertile, thus people were suffering. She was the twin sister to Fauna who was the goddess of animals and wildlife herself. Apart from our experience, our intuition plays a big role. Being the firstborn of Jupiter, she was extremely popular in ancient Rome. We are the lighthouse for ships in the sea of options, the landmark in the ocean of possibilities and the wave at the horizon of opportunities.We focus on providing help and guidance in investments into very special and rare opportunities. Despite being equated with the Greek goddess Athena, Minerva was originated from the Etrsucans (people who lived in the same place as Romans did but prior to the existence of Rome).