Les différents arcs de la série sont répertoriés ici. From the sides of the helmet, two long wing like pieces of hair protrude, curving out around her face. However, upon arriving at the torture site she left her at, Kyôka is surprised to see a hole in the wall from which Natsu and Lisanna grab onto her. The strength of the impact sends Kyôka through the stone that composes Cube, tearing a large hole in their mobile fortress, leaving her utterly bewildered. When Erza repeatedly exclaims that she doesn't know where Kyôka is also greatly confident in her abilities, proclaiming to Erza that she can be undefeated.

Kyôka then proceeds to tell Tempester that his regeneration will take longer than the normal one day due to the birthing of their newest comrade and Demon-in-arms: Having obtained both Erza and Mirajane from Crawford, Kyôka heads to a prison cell within the Tartaros headquarters, where Erza has been stripped naked and chained up. Fairy Tail Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime.

Si vous suivez l'histoire via l'animé ou les tomes parus en France, et que vous ne souhaitez pas connaître la suite des événements, nous vous conseillons de ne pas lire ce qui se trouve sur cet article.

Soon, Cube arrives in the air over Fairy Tail's headquarters, from where Kyôka watches the Lacrima orb given by Seilah destroy the guild building in a massive explosion. Motioning to attack Erza, Kyôka is quickly kicked away and tells Erza that their belief in Zeref is only natural as they were spawned from his books. Still as the noise grows closer, both women look to the sky in shock as they realize Soon after, Kyôka is telepathically contacted by the Underworld King, who tells her that she must use an Organic Link to fuse with the Face controls and speed up Face's activation; this is turn will cause the Mages and Dragons to lose their abilities sooner, and grant them the edge in battle when E.N.D. Taking their fight underground, Kyôka uses her claws to repeatedly slash at and block Erza, with the redhead noting her strength. However, as Kyôka breathes her last breath, a smile is formed on her lips, as the timer reaches zero and Face is finally activated. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Fairy Tail Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Anime. Suddenly, Franmalth notices a large magical reaction approaching and upon inquiring, Kyôka sees the Exceed of Fairy Tail coming towards them.

Read Fairy Tail - Chapter 364 - Tartaros Arc First chapter Corruption and Villains - A brief description of the Fairy Tail manga: Lucy, a 17-year-old girl, has set herself the goal of becoming a full-fledged magician. Kyôka strengthens herself with her Enhancement as she fights Erza, stating that she does not regret sacrificing her life to revive E.N.D. Kyôka is staunch, determined, pertinacious, and tenacious. She wears a dark cloth on her upper body that partially covers her chest and wraps around her back and detached sleeves with three bulb-like adornments. He is the diabolical leader of the Oración Seis, a Dark Guild composed of highly powerful Mages whose goal was to find a very destructive Magic known as Nirvana, which was sealed away long ago. Still answering questions, Kyôka states that their need for Face is to "return to Zeref's place"; Kyôka quickly breaks free of her chains, as they affect users of Magic and not Curses.

When Erza criticizes her choice, Kyôka tells her to be silent, using her Sensation Curse to wreck the bodies of those around her in pain. She retains the chin guard of her mask and now lets her hair flow freely, with the top jutting out in various directions and two strands framing her face.

Waiting for the Requip Mage to come to, Kyôka greets her and welcomes her to their hideout, explaining to the surprised woman how the Chairman betrayed and captured her. Telling Seilah to leave Erza for her, Kyôka boasts about their plans almost being realized; however, she is interrupted when Mirajane suddenly flies into the room and smashes Seilah upside the head, causing the Demon to lose control of Erza and her comrades.

She wears pauldrons made of feathers and revealing black armor that covers her arms and wraps around her torso, revealing most of her stomach and breasts. She was voiced by Ai Kayano in the Japanese version of the anime, and Janelle Lutz in the English version. Attention en le lisant ! Kyôka's head is adorned with an intricate helmet, this covering almost the entirety of her face save for her eyes and mouth. Kyôka questions the demands, as to link to Face will in turn forfeit her life; though, upon Mard's insistence, she agrees to sacrifice herself for her guild and Zeref.