Morningside Elementary School recognizes that birthdays are a special day for our students. The kids love getting their bags of little toys to play with, and it was fun to pick out their goody bags on their birthdays as well.Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This policy provides clarity and consistency and promotes safety and inclusion for all members of our community when celebrating birthdays and other special occasions. I was elated earlier this month, when I received an official packet from my son’s school.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The reason for this strict interpretation of school district policy is because of the growing number of students who struggle with food allergies, … Approved!by!School!Council:!!November,!2015!! I am hopeful the fun the kids have on their special days will be more than enough. Sound off below.Mother of two boys looking to find balance between caring for herself and her children. I say have the class sing and wear a “it’s my birthday” button and call it good.I really love this idea! School’s birthday policy is something to celebrate 12 Replies I was elated earlier this month, when I received an official packet from my son’s school. Fun for all.I think this is a good policy. BIRTHDAY!POLICY!!!! It should not take more than 30 minutes of class time and can be at the end of the school day or during lunch. As a school, we want to continue recognizing our students’ special day while being sensitive to our District Wellness Policy, student allergies and financial hardships.With that said, beginning this September, we will be moving away from edible treats for birthdays and replacing them with non-food celebrations. Information concerning class parties should be communicated to parents. Students whose families may be struggling financially will not feel pressured into purchasing treats, assuring no child feels bad for not having the “right” cupcakes.
Sure, it’s fun for the kids, but one party is enough True, plus parties are definitely big productions these days!As a food allergy family, I can appreciate this policy. My feeling is always do what’s most inclusive. Inclusion is always worth celebrating.Does your school have a no-food policy for birthdays? In keeping with the ACPS Student Wellness Policy (File:JHCF) and allergy concerns, outside food is not permitted to be shared with students. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Birthday Policy Morningside Elementary School recognizes that birthdays are a special day for our students.
We do this at our kids’ autism therapy center (so many varying allergies, dietary needs) and it’s so much fun. We must also ensure that parties and celebrations do not disrupt the instructional day or interfere with the health and safety of all of all students. Many schools have adopted new policies to accommodate those children who may be severely harmed if exposed to certain foods, especially peanuts, and all too often, the reaction from other parents is one of disdain and annoyance. Review:!November!2018!! While I can’t speak to being a parent of a child with allergies, and can only imagine how they feel when others feel “inconvenienced” by their kid, as a Jewish mom who grew up observing religious dietary laws, I can relate to feeling left out at food-based celebrations.I understand the no treats thing might be a tough change for kids used to cake, candy and cupcakes at their school celebrations. Contact me at maybeillshowertoday at gmail dot com.Honestly, I’d be okay not providing cupcakes to kids in class … we already provide for a birthday party outside of school. 774 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30306 Copyright © 2002-2020 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved.Education Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (E-SPLOST)Resources | Transportation Hardship Supports for StudentsFederal Eligibility Application (FEA) Free & Reduced Meal Program ApplicationFree & Reduced Meal Program | Federal Eligibility Application (FEA) It is a time to celebrate “us” with friends and family.