Meanwhile, Pepper and Sophie think Troy and Sawyer underestimate the difficulty of being a cheerleader.A flag football game with parents and students has Bella concerned about mother. Meanwhile, Pepper seeks an interview with Hunter to broadcast on the school news station.Coach becomes ill, so the team slack off and are caught off guard when they face a tough rival.Bella enters a beauty contest to prove a point about girls having both beauty and strength. She soon learns the rivalries between the football and soccer teams will make this a little more difficult than she thought. Bella must make a tough decision when the Bulldogs' playoff game is moved to the same day as Pepper's mother's baby shower. EisseCatherineRobert1210. 22:00. 09/30/15 Wide Deceiver (201) 2. Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Download the TV Guide app for iPhone, iPad and Android!

Photo Credits: Netflix; Pop TV; Robert Viglasky, Hartswood Films; Fred Hayes/Disney+, Fox, PopTV; Bettina Strauss/Netflix; Nicole Rivelli/Amazon, Netflix, Frank Masi/Apple, Disney, Jasper Savage/Hulu; Diyah Pera/CW Elsewhere, Newt and Sawyer help Troy move, but they can't take a hint when it's time for them to leave.In the second-season opener, Bella introduces Troy to a football legend, and she learns an explosive secret. 10/21/15 Rally Week (204) 5. 10/28/15 Sha-Boo! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 02/13/16 The Outlaw Bella Dawson (214) 10. 04/09/16 I Lov… The Bulldogs blackmail Bella after she skips a team activity to go to a Hunter Hyaes concert; Pepper tries to get an interview with Hunter for the school news station. Season 2 Girls Night. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Elsewhere, Newt gets a wake-up call when a girl treats him the way he treats Sophie.The Bulldogs get pranked by Troy and his new team, but then Troy's team doesn't play by the rules, forcing Troy to decide where his allegiance lies.The gals seek revenge on a pizza-delivery boy who once wronged Bella. Bella and the Bulldogs S01E14 Bulldog Buddies. Meanwhile, the kids discover there may be some truth to an urban legend about the school's old groundskeeper.Bella gives away a gift by mistake and must hurry to retrieve it. Trending. When the Bulldogs need a new kicker, Bella decides to recruit a boy from the soccer team. Meanwhile, Sophie provides guidance to Pepper, who's experiencing a transition at home.An annual campout is held at Halloween, and Troy and Sawyer attempt to scare the girls during it. Meanwhile, Newt and Sawyer suspect that Troy is hiding a secret weapon for the game.Bella's feelings confuse her after she spends a day with Zach and receives a message from Charlie.Bella acquires two dates to the homecoming dance, which makes things complicated.Bella likes Sawyer's cousin, but something from her past threatens their new friendship. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Bella worries that her mother is going to be embarrassed at the annual parents and students flag football game; Newt and Sawyer believe that Troy has a secret weapon.
Bella competes in a beauty pageant, determined to show that girls can be pretty and tough; Pepper and Sophie bet Troy and Sawyer that being a cheerleader is harder than it looks. The Bulldogs team have a supreme shocking realization when their new game plan against their toughest rivals does not work and backfires.

The Bulldogs blackmail Bella after she skips a team activity to go to a Hunter Hyaes concert; Pepper tries to get an interview with Hunter for the school news station. 03/19/16 Parents & Pigskins (212) 11. Elsewhere, the future looks grim for a group of baby chicks, so Sophie, Troy and Newt try to intervene.The team get angry when Tex Fest is canceled, and they discover an unexpected person is responsible.

K.C. Elsewhere, Newt clashes with Troy and Sawyer when he doesn't share their passion for their beloved movie series.Bella misses a team event to attend a Hunter Hayes concert, so her teammates retaliate by blackmailing her. When their coach gets sick, the Bulldogs take advantage of the substitute by not working hard and find themselves unprepared for their upcoming game. The state championship begins and problems arise for the Bulldogs when their new game plan fails, leading them to come to a surprising realization.Bella has a busy day with two big events: a play-off game and a baby shower for Pepper's mom.A tailgate party is held and Zach attends, making things difficult for Bella as she tries to hide the feelings she still has for him. Bella brings Troy to meet an NFL legend; Troy reveals a secret to Bella; Pepper and Newt have to do crazy dares in order to spend time with Sophie and Sawyer. 11/11/15 Dudes & Chicks (207) 8.