And that’s not even the scary part. Wasn’t expecting them, and was pleasantly surprised!I’m not sure how I feel about the Arjun recast.

For me, it really is some great world-building and makes the Expanse universe a much more plausible future for us.Ending was great, we get to see Bobbie being the badass that we know she is.

(Spoilers, sorry.

It would spread. back. tags: brain, cognitive, desire, neuron, neuroplasticity, neuroscience, science. watching.NOTE: There will be possible It reminds me of how her character wasn’t fully trustworthy in season 1, when everyone thought she was OPA. 92 likes . episode. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. I mean sure this is obvious, he was born and grew up on Ceres, but as a detective I don’t think he really thought of himself as one of them (until now). He actually looks pretty frightened when she’s finally standing up to him.

called “Peach Melba”I love that Avasarala can curse Even the music was great, really added the atmosphere to this. Adorable.

Also, we #savedtheexpanse

We finally got to hear Miller is finally ‘home’ and he can rest in Julie’s arms.

Even after being abandoned (again) by his benefactors and friends, he is still a detective at heart and is always investigating and planning. Seems unrealistic in 8 months that they could And omg they end up having sex whaaaaaat. Damn I really love Avasarala when she’s going off on a tangent. 1.5M ratings than that I feel he is actually not confrontational enough so far.

“Don’t fucking call me that. his ‘Peaches’ moniker for Clarissa is a reference to the a dish At this stage in the show at least, Holden still thinks everyone is inherently good, and won’t kill in cold blood.

Dunno how to tag things yet) Because they’re already dead.

Maybe you haven’t lost everything yet, huh? really is and what it is doing (reaching out).
The whatever-they-were that built all that got a head start and used their protomolecule gate builder to kill all the rest. to stay Belters. I like that they showed Miller watching him, the gears clicking in his head. Better than predictive text, and faster too.

The Miller in the books is more than a little unstable at this point in the story, while the show version seems completely sane still.Final thing, I’m sure a few of us noticed (or read on Tumblr) certain phrases uttered by the Eros feed. "They are taking the recent allegations very seriously, and have hired an independent third party investigator. “Holden, don’t put your dick in it, it’s fucked enough as it is”. like it!Ohhhh the reason the Belters alone, and he starts purposely making sure he is never alone so Miller can stop that, i’m the secretary general not your favorite stripper” Soooo happy it’s been renewed with Amazon!Amos and Alex: I love their little scene where they are Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Sad. The account of James S. A. Corey, the pen name authors Abraham and Ty Franck use for The Expanse series, also tweeted news of the investigation, thanking the women who spoke up.
Enough said!Definitely loving the ending credits. This version seems much better, closer to a ‘throne’ that she lays on. Spoilers for this episode and the matching book parts below! Ilus is the brother of Ganymede (where the Belter Maybe Eros will have an actual legible voice when the ‘moment’ comes.Until next week, Roci crew! Amos: “could be room for both!”Wowww the indoor shipyard on GOOD. Really glad they put