Not only will it’s icy shell act as an insulator—impeding the loss of heat to space—but as the ocean froze, the reduction in water depth drove the ocean into a resonance that actually generates heat through dissipation of tidal energy and opposes further melting.

Vesta is the largest asteroid visited by a spacecraft.

by 150 miles), and is noted for its odd scarp system. The Cassini mission did close flybys of this moon, to map its surface in high resolution.

The final Cassini Science Symposium, and other recent Cassini mission events. Size comparison between the Cronian moon Enceladus, the Moon, and Earth.

They came to informally call the deep crevasses “tiger stripes.” Later image analysis provided conclusive evidence that the jets originate near the hottest spots on the tiger stripe fractures (also known as "sulci").During a close flyby in 2008, Cassini's instruments sampled the plume directly and detected a surprising mix of volatile gases, water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, as well as organic materials. Planetary scientists have learned something significant: More than a quarter of the exoplanets they studied could be ocean worlds. But with a mass of of 237,948 km, between the orbits of Mimas and Tethys. Saturn’s small moon Enceladus is probably one of the most likely places in the solar system, outside Earth, to harbor life.

Couple these factors together and you have an ocean that will generate heat that is prevented from escaping, thus maintaining liquid water so far away from the sun.This page has been designed and developed by Alexander P Clarke.

Ever since I was about ten years old, I liked observing the moon, and liked watching it progress through its phases throughout the month, especially once I understood why it did so. Some of the material falls back onto Enceladus, and some escapes to form Saturn’s vast E ring.The E ring is mostly made of ice droplets, but among them are peculiar nanoparticles. Since Enceladus (499 kilometers, or 310 miles, across) has an unusually high reflectivity, its surface reflects even more of the light falling on it than Saturn does, making the moon appear very bright compared the planet. 0 0 0. Dr. Lori Glaze The Cassini mission did close flybys of this moon, to map its surface in high resolution. Please see the source code for all technical attributations and comments about how this page was made. Cassini acquired several infrared images with spatial resolutio... Using data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists found Titan drifting away from Saturn a hundred times faster than previously understood.

How many times stronger/weaker is the gravity there than here?

Planetary scientists now have Enceladus to consider as a possible habitat for life.”These findings first began to take shape in 2005, when Cassini’s cameras obtained the first-ever detailed images of the south polar region of Enceladus.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Tom Reding ... (compared to Earth’s average ocean depth of 3.7 kilometers). This picture was composed from File:Enceladus Earth Moon Comparison.png, File:Full Moon Luc Viatour.jpg, and File:Pluto impression.png, by Tom Reding (Wikimedia) How long did Mars planetary dynamo take to turn off?

Whether you're doing it for the nerd cred or the pie, this week on #10Things, we've got all the ways you can celebrate #PiDay with NASA.

Whatever lies beneath the surface however, cannot be directly observed—but this doesn’t mean it is totally unknown; we can use a variety of clever methods to infer it’s internal structure.Ke Zhang and Francis Nimmo looked at the orbits of Enceladus and Dione and calculated the depth of this ice/water layer to be 91km—although they concede that their calculations are an oversimplification. Surface gravity = .113 m/sec/sec. Anonymous.