“Jon Tester cannot be trusted to stand with President Trump and support our fundamental right to self-defense.”But in Washington, D.C., his votes tell a different story.In all three votes on Supreme Court justices, Tester sided with Chuck Schumer and the anti-gun liberal left.Jon Tester has two faces And we can’t trust either one.Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. Jon Tester. Postal Service with anything is a FOOL. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. Jon Tester once again joined forces with Chuck Schumer and anti-gun liberals to vote against our fundamental right to self-defense,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman, NRA-PVF. In addition to his votes on Supreme Court nominees, Tester has supported criminalizing the private transfer of firearms between lifelong friends and some family members, which the Obama justice department said could only be enforced through federal gun registration.“Montana gun owners deserve a trustworthy, consistent advocate for their Second Amendment freedoms,” continued Cox. After the “While Matt Rosendale was turning farms into suburbs in Maryland, For every day that goes by that Citizens United isn’t repealed, The Tester camp has mocked Mr. Rosendale, the state auditor, for being a non-native — he moved to Montana from Maryland in 2002 — while the Republican took a jab at “With that kind of record it’s beyond clear that you can’t trust Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. Jon Tester has two faces And we can’t trust either one. “Contrary to what Jon Tester says in Montana, he has supported the gun control agenda of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer by voting in favor of gun control in Washington, DC,” continued Cox. On Tuesday, the NRA blared that they’d dropped Montana Sen. Jon Tester’s rating to a “D” solely because he voted against Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation, along with every other member of his party except Joe Manchin. “Jon Tester cannot be trusted to stand with President Trump and support our fundamental right to self-defense.”Another part of the swamp that needs his plug pulled; Drain The Swamp, get him going out of a large fast drain!!!!!!!! Sen. Jon Tester, Montana Democrat, saw his National Rifle Association rating downgraded Tuesday to a “D,” even though his campaign said he has shot “hundreds of cows and hogs.”The NRA Institute for Legislative Action said Mr. Tester, who has long billed himself as a Second Amendment supporter, was dinged for his vote against the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, who was ultimately confirmed.“D.C. Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. “Actions speak louder than words. Campaign defends Montana Democrat's livestock-shooting acumen“D.C. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. “Actions speak louder than words. Meagher has made previous references to the senator’s livestock-shooting prowess. And anyone who trusts the Democrats not to…I want to see a special election for all the Oregon city & state citizens, or citizens in any other…I’m sure the mothers os these 30 year olds will give them a stern talking to, and perhaps a time-out…I’m moving to Detroit RIGHT THIS MINUTE…oh, wait a minute, its still a sh** hole, so I guess I’ll wait… Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. #mtpol #mtsen https://t.co/inVR3iW3ThMr. ! “Downgrading The comment drew a barrage of rejoinders on social media — several called While you were busy making your millions developing Maryland farmland, Mr. Meagher has made previous references to the senator’s livestock-shooting prowess. Please enable JavaScript and reload this page. Jon Tester once again joined forces with Chuck Schumer and anti-gun liberals to vote against our fundamental right to self-defense,” “Actions speak louder than words,” he continued. JavaScript is required for full functionality on this website, but scripting is currently disabled. “D.C. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. I wonder where PETA and the far left is on the scourge of Americas dairy farms.It’s really not very difficult at all to shoot a docile animal enclosed in a fenced in small area.Montana – where cows are terrified, and hogs and sheep are nervous.Would someone have and post Testers voting records on guns and the Second Amendment?Subscribe and be the first to know when we publish a new update.Ted Cruz maintains solid lead over Beto O’Rourke in latest Quinnipiac pollI’m sure the mothers os these 30 year olds will give them a stern talking to, and perhaps a time-out…I’m moving to Detroit RIGHT THIS MINUTE…oh, wait a minute, its still a sh** hole, so I guess I’ll wait…Remdesivire was PULLED from its trial because it, like Gates and Faucet (aka..the drop), FAILED to be effective. Wednesday, October 10, 2018 Lets prove that we can do this again and out the Demo-Rats and Rhinos know they are no longer safe hiding on false promises and actions!!!!!!!!!!!! Count Cash & Make Change. Lars Daleside with the NRA stopped by the Voices of Montana radio show recently to outline Jon Tester's real stance on the 2nd Amendment. Jon Tester once again joined forces with Chuck Schumer and anti-gun liberals to vote against our fundamental right to self-defense,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA Political Victory Fund.“Actions speak louder than words,” he continued.