Keep in mind, that any shelter that you build should not be too big, as then the cats won’t be able to generate enough body warmth to stay warm.Building a shelter from scrap wood, pallets or other materials can also be a family project if you have children, just be sure to remove any nails sticking out so the cats come to no harm. Having said that, you can purchase heated water bowls to prevent freezing as his one from Amazon:-You can also buy a thick plastic water bowl that is deep rather than wide and shallow, this will also help prevent freezing water.Another way to ensure everything is to their liking, is to build two small shelters facing each other, then put a canopy connecting the two. They will absorb heat from the sun. Bang on your hood a few times before starting up your car in the morning to give someone snoozing inside a chance to get out.With a little effort you can give a feral cat a chance to survive the winter. Helping these cats won't take much time, and the kitties will be grateful for your efforts. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips.I hope he has a warm place to go – a storage box shelter is easy to make and pretty cheap too.Thank you for writing such an important post. However, the extra fur alone isn’t enough to keep them warm enough to prevent frostbite and hypothermia. We have a feral we “adopted” almost six years ago! There are all kinds of stories online of kittens found frozen to the ground. Put a hot hands pad or a Snuggle Safe heating disk under the bowls. It amazes me that we didn’t think about of this when I was growing up in the 60s. Dry cat food won’t freeze or dry out like canned or wet food will, also we can make sure there is fresh water close by, and be sure to change it frequently during temperatures that may make it freeze quickly. We don’t have a feral population anymore.We don’t have any outdoor space so we can’t put anything up but I know some of our neighbors feed the ferals.

A cat house large enough for two to three cats to huddle would be great (you probably won’t find more than one kitty in an outside cat house, but that’s the appropriate size). However, still take some precautions where outside cats are concerned, for instance, cats are notorious for Your Feedback Matters to me!!! An insulated or heated bowl will keep wet food edible longer and keep water from freezing. You’ve provided great information for us and how we can help these cats be more comfortable and survive the harsh weather.Straw is good. I have not seen any feral cats around us but these are great tips if I do. Thank you. It will absorb body heat and leave the cats cold. Replace the bedding material if it gets dirty or wet.For a more permanent solution you can “wallpaper” your shelter with Pool covers attract the warmth from the sun to keep the water in pools and hot tubs warm. You can leave a helping of dry food for later.

You want to check the inside temperature often as it could get too hot for milder days. Tips on keeping cats lean fit and healthy and advice on top quality cat care products Cat lovers here in Australia are currently faced with the annual problem of how to keep outdoor cats warm in Winter now that the colder weather has arrived.
Our dogs stayed outside year round! Sharing!These are such wonderful tips to help cats survive the cold weather.

Feral and Outdoor cats need protection. Don’t use hay, it gets moist and moldy. Hopefully it’s a problem that will be solved someday.spay and neuter is the key – and convincing people not to abandon their pets because they don’t have the skills to really make it out on their own.Wonderful tips that will hopefully inspire others to care for homeless cats in their neighbourhood.

How do stray cats survive in cold weather, how do cats survive in extreme cold. Use the comments section below and I will respond. If a cat gets wet, it is even more dangerous for him so snow is a hazard in more ways than one.An indoor cat that escapes out in the winter will be at much greater risk. You can also add in some hay or straw, as these are great ways to keep an area nice and cozy, just remember that when hay or straw gets wet it will be no good for keeping cats warm.That being said, you can also purchase outside shelters for cats, and they come in all shapes and sizes, as well as a variety of styles and colors. Here are a few tips to keep outdoor cats safe in the cold winter months.