The city developed in five distinct periods, starting as a Hispanic settlement village in 1540-1582, baroque splendor 1582-1784, rococo and neoclassicism in 1784-1868, modern empiricism in 1868-1960 and lastly the contemporary design.

Manu National Park.

The site was named UNESCO world cultural heritage site in 1985.The state of Peru recognizes these archeological sites basing on the cultural importance and historical significance.

After the Spanish conquest in the 16th century, the Spanish preserved the Inca city of Cuzco, on which they built temples, abbeys, and houses. The historic center of Lima and the buildings and balconies that fill it take …

The country’s constitution defines the boundaries and the protection of the sites. As an imperial city, it retains the granite walls, streets within the walls and the ruins of the temple of the sun and as a colonial city it still holds the elegance of Baroque churches.

Chavin served as a ceremonial and pilgrimage center for Andeans which marked it as an important center of ideological, cultural and religious convergence. Arequipa resulted from an agricultural valley of the Hispanic community in 1540.

A 15th-century stone city tucked into a mountain-ringed valley high in the Andes, Machu Picchu is about 50 miles from Cusco, the Inca capital. Many of its thick earthen walls still stand and some have even managed to maintain their geometric designs and friezes despite the centuries of El Niño-induced rains. The destruction of its property through the construction of roads also threatens the heritage site. The national constitution protects this historical center by the general law for the national cultural heritage of 2004. Compositions of such sites include temples, fortresses, and residences of the ancient occupants in Peru. Chan Chan is also the largest city of pre-Columbian America.The archaeological zone, which covers 14 square miles in land area, contains the ruins of this great city. Its very foundations and layout are exactly how the Inca Pachacuteq designed them, while the Baroque-style buildings and churches the Spanish built over them still reflect the history that unfolded in this former imperial city of the Inca civilization.The historic center of Lima and the buildings and balconies that fill it take you back in time to the days of the viceroyalty, when Lima served as the most important city for the Spanish in South America. 850 species of birds and 13 species of primates call it home, as do rare species like the giant otter, the giant armadillo, and the jaguar. They are:Built by the pre-Inca Chimú Culture nearly 600 years ago, Chan Chan was once the largest city in the Americas and it has continued to be the largest adobe-built complex on earth.

Nestled between the eastern and western ranges of the Andes Mountains outside Huaraz, the complex of temples, terraces, and underground mazes belonged to the pre-Inca Chavin culture, but was visited by people from all over the Andes. Cuzco was inscribed as a cultural world heritage site in 1983 by UNESCO.Chan Chan was the capital center of the Chimu kingdom that fell in the 15th century. It requires evidence of things like exemplary “human creative genius” or the existence of “superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty,” criteria that Peru managed to meet at 12 different sites throughout the country. The historical center of Arequipa represents the integration of the Western and native building techniques and characteristics. The World Heritage of Peru is an invitation to know and empathize with ancient archaeological monuments, historic sites where they fuse Spanish colonial architecture and the native, unique natural scenery. It’s believed to have served as both a pilgrimage site and a ceremonial center.The high altitude city of Cusco in Southern Peru is an incredible display of Inca and Spanish Colonial architecture. In this article, we introduce you to each of Peru’s otherworldly UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and oh are their worthy of their listing. The complex of San Francisco and the chapels and convents of Santo Domingo, La Merced San Agustín, and the church of Santa Maria; Santa Teresa and Santa Rosa.

Major threats facing these sites include adverse climatic occurrences like floods and earthquakes, together with human disturbances such as illegal occupancy and construction.All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020

The grand Basilica is located in the center of the old district.

The Spanish buildings contained the baroque style with local modifications thus displaying a unique and high-quality mixture that presents apposition and fusion of different periods and culture. Often called the most biodiverse region in the entire world, this 1.5 million …

The Chan Chan Archaeological Zone that is listed as a cultural site under the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Peru encompasses the ruins of the great abandoned city of Chan Chan.

After the flood partially covered the area, there have been preventative measures, cleaning, and preparation works going on in an attempt to preserve its heritages. The preservation of these heritage sites is in the hands of the ministry of culture which is responsible for the reconstruction and management of the areas. Its culture developed between the 15th and the 5th century BC. Technically stretching from the Plaza de Armas to the Plaza San Martin, the historic center still highlights the European and Catholic Church’s extreme influence on Peruvian culture and architecture.

Its buildings contain pink or white volcanic rocks, and distinctive features resulting from natural causes and the historical context.