Reservation… HANCO's HG 1/144 RGM-86R Nouvel GM III (conversion w/3D printing parts.) The RGM-79LV GM Night Seeker II is an Earth Federation mobile suit specialized in night attacks.

UNLIKE THE GM TRAINER HOWEVER, you have access to vulcans, allowing extended pressure if your bazooka is on cool down and the thrusters to shoot bazooka then bail out.If you are using any other weapon: You lack the stun capabilities of the bazooka, so you will be regulated to attack hound role much like a raid mobile suit. The leader of "Knight Jaeger", Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The GM Night Seekers are dropped on Zeon military bases by using CB-X5SGT Gunperry Sturm Type. Watch Queue Queue.

For some reason it doesn't have it in GBO2.Bandai finally released the GM Night Seeker! The RGM-79LV GM Night Seeker II was created in response to the demand from pilots for an assault version of the high mobility RGM-79L GM Light Armor.However, the added weight from the landing thrusters and head sensors decreased the mobility of the Light Armor.

Related Posts: THE ORIGIN MSD HG GM Night Seeker will be released in August! However, the added weight from the landing thrusters and head sensors decreased the mobility of the Light Armor. This kit comes with variety of newly molded parts, including its chest armor and back booster pack. Definitely a good looking GM here.GOOGLE ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED TO POST ON OUR COMMENT SECTION. It allows your teammates to target the GM Nightseeker with Support Fire in Basic matches while giving the GM Nightseeker a whopping Anti-Stealth LV1: This skill is your Acguy hunting down skill, Nullifies Stealth LV1 and diminishes higher levels of stealth by 50m. Even with the bullpup MG, these guys can outdps you with their weapons.

Those new skirting parts look exactly like the regular GM's skirting armor. You can walk behind allies, then jump over them and rain down fire on enemies that normally would be shielded by your teammates. The RGM-79LV GM Night Seeker II was created in response to the demand from pilots for an assault version of the high mobility RGM-79L GM Light Armor. Still, this isn't a bad option as the Nightseeker's Range Stat more than supplies the damage boost to the bazooka.Beam Saber: Standard Issue Beam Saber for all GMs. !Interesting that the Night Seeker comes with the Stripped Beam Rifle instead of the GM Light Armor. 150 Range.Hand Grenade E: They're the same as the grenades used on the GM Trainer, pretty good harassment weapon against enemies camping behind walls that are low enough that you can lob these babies into their radius.As you can see, the GM Nightseeker is pretty well equipped, 4 weapons no matter what configuration you go for, however, much like the GM Trainer, you have no shields to cover you, so tread carefully, especially against the common bazooka stun meta.Quick Loader: This is definitely more of a DPS item to have since this quickens your reloads on all magazine related weapons, you have three weapons that benefit from this if you decide to play not-spraygun GM Nightseeker.Thruster Control System: Definitely a good use of slots, having access to an already enormous boost stat and giving the suit more?

GM Night Seeker II.

The Bullpup Machinegun has 200 range and exchanges heavier damage for faster rate of fire and reloading. Try to avoid close combat situations if you can help it if you are using the MGs or Beam Spray Gun.Had no idea about the Marker skill, it’s a definite buy if you play with a group of friends or clan mates, that skill alone can win you a tight game.Kinda wish more units would have the marker skill considering how much of a hilarious skill it is. History Comments Share. This video is unavailable. It's almost not worth it to try and take on supports without a bit of help.Melee Fights: You are in a pretty bad disadvantage in a close combat situation, with a whooping 4 Defense as a level 1 GM Nightseeker against melee and no melee controller. The RGM-79V GM Night Seeker is an Earth Federation mobile suit specialized in night attacks. )Close Range Slots: 6/7/9 [7/8/10 with slot enhancement]Mid-Range Slots: 3/4/5 [4/5/6 with slot enhancement]Long-range slots: 3/5/6 [4/6/7 with slot enhancement]To tl;dr this, this unit's main damage comes from it's ranged game, but it's melee is still quite usable. From the mechanical examination project “MSD (Mobile Suit Discovery)” set in the world view of the animation “Mobile Suit Gundam THE ORIGIN”, it is decided that the model “HG 1/144 GM Night Seeker” will be released in August, at Premium Bandai Reservation acceptance start: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 13:00 “GM Night Seeker” developed for the purpose of assault missions is a kit in HG.FW CONVERGE EX32 Psycho Zaku will be released in November!