If it is a clear day, it is even possible to see all the way to the Pacific or Caribbean Sea. Beautiful places await you in Costa Rica. There are also very few animals in the National Park due to volcanic activity. If you are looking for an exciting and fascinating sight to behold while visiting Costa Rica, look no further than Irazú Volcano. It is only about 30 kilometers away from Cartago, which is the country’s former capital city. The volcano has also made the surrounding area in the park incredible to behold. It is only about 30 kilometers away from The car or bus trip from Cartago is very quick, so you can begin exploring the park. You can, however, still spot robins, owls, hummingbirds, porcupines, rabbits, coyotes, and foxes.The most popular attraction at this National Park is the climb to the Diego de la Haya crater. Later the park was expanded by Executive Decree No. Pura Vida!What to do for all ages. In 1963, Irazú Volcano ended a 20 year silent abruptly on the same day that United States President John F. Kennedy visited. The volcanic activity has coated the landscape in ash, making the soil highly fertile. This park protects colossal Irazu, which, at 3,432 meters above sea level, is the tallest volcano in Costa Rica. The volcano actually remained active for two more years after this date, spewing lava in a powerful display. The hotel is ideally located for many local attractions including the Costa Rican Art Museum, 1.9 mi away, and the National theater, 4.3 mi away. It is flat and bare for the most part, although shrubs and bushes dot the landscape. 1917 of July 30, 1955, published in Official newspaper La Gaceta 175 of August 9 of that year. Here you can discover the grandeur of the highest volcano in Costa Rica.Easily accessible and close to the city, it has five craters and breathtaking views.Observing the craters of the volcano is the main purpose of those who visit this National Park, located 19.2 miles (31 km) from Cartago city.With a beautiful mountain setting, low vegetation and a very wet and cold weather, this site presents fog most of the time.On clear days you can see from its top both Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, much of the national territory and, and with a telescope even the Lake of Nicaragua.Another sector you can visit is Prusia, which has 9.9 miles (16 km) of roads to travel and spend leisure time in the middle of nature. While this is the most famous hiking trail in the park, there are numerous others for you to explore and discover.Where to you want to go? However, through the years by verbal communication the name was changed to Irazú.Every day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm. It was documented by Diego de la Haya and one of the volcano’s craters is now named after him. Remember to wear warm clothing if you are planning to venture to the crater, as it is at a high elevation. It is the highest active volcano in Costa Rica, as well as the largest in the country, standing at 11,260 feet tall and 500 square kilometers at its base. If it is ever in danger of erupting in a way that could pose a risk to visitors, the park would be evacuated well in advance. This sector is the perfect destination for "runners" who want to experience contact with the force of nature while exercising.Its maximum elevation is 11260 feet (3432 m) above sea level, being the highest volcano in Costa Rica, it has an average annual temperature of 41 fahrenheit (5 ° C) to 48.2 fahrenheit (9 ° C.), and a rainfall of 9.3 feet (2387 mm) in the Craters sector and 5.0 feet (1527 mm) annually in Prusian sector. On sunny days hat and sunscreen is required; in cloudy and rainy days, coats and capes.Being a zone of volcanic activity, it is important to address regulations given by park guards to protect your physical integrity in the event of an emergency.Note that during peak visitation days, you will probably have to also stand in line to use the restroom.Weather conditions at the top of Irazú Volcano are changing, so there is not always certain that you will see the craters. 26945-MINAE of August 22nd 1988, for having a current area of 2000 ha.Records of the eruptive activity of the volcano date back to 1723 when a strong eruption occurred, according to documented records by Diego de la Haya Fernandez, Governor of the Province of Cartago at the time. We value your privacy To give you a personalised experience we (and the third parties we work with) collect info about how and when you use Skyscanner. While the volcano may seem erratic or unpredictable, it is perfectly safe to visit. Later the park was expanded by Executive Decree No.
No trip to Costa Rica is complete without visiting Irazú. During the nineteenth century the volcano fumaroles presented several periods of activity described by foreigners traveling in the country.In 1963, a buildup of volcanic materials in the bed of Reventado River caused an avalanche that destroyed about 300 houses in Taras de Cartago City.In 1994 a sudden explosion occurred on the north wall of the main crater producing an avalanche that slipped into the bed of Rio Sucio River, reaching beyond the bridge over the same river, located in the Braulio Carrillo highway.