Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. It sounds like a great idea to me! depends on my mood. Sign in.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Evita (Original 1979 Cast Recording) lauracsteel; 19 videos; 460,928 views; Last updated on Jun 27, 2014; Play all Share. Finally getting the treatment it deserves, Evita now looks the part on home video after three releases. Oh What A Circus by MadonnaMusicHD. At last, a version of Evita with proper picture and sound quality! It's because of Evita I became a fan of Madonna's.
But then it turns out, in practice, to be a very strange display of aggressive scream-singing while maintaining eye contact with the camera’s lens. There is also a vintage 42 minute behind the scenes bonus feature that appears to be from around the original theatrical release time frame with all major players (including director Alan Parker, Madonna, Antonio Banderas and Andrew Lloyd Webber) participating.Much better than the DVD but still has technical issues. Good interpretation of the original stage show - explains a bit more of the back story than there was time for in the stage show. Loading... Save. We now have a dts-HD soundtrack that does the film justice boasting a wide soundstage for Andrew Lloyd Webber's lush orchestrations, good bottom end boost when needed and appropriate centre channel levels for the vocal track. Madonna is excellent in this, as are Jonathan Pryce and Antonia Banderas. Mostly performance videos, though I may or may not decide to post some random video-blogs. . I also coincidentally got the Blu Ray DVD of Evita today June 1, 2015 which is the birthday of Jonathan Pryce. 5:45 .
My cinema teacher played the movie. I always weep through this movie.
I never saw the stage musical and put off seeing the movie because I feared it would just be a loooong vanity piece for Madonna, and through her Eva Peron. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. I personally found more entertainment in Eva Perón’s Wikipedia article. It is another Andrew Lloyd Weber masterpiece. Sign in to YouTube. Obviously the first major improvement is in the quality of the image but that's not all folks. Despite widespread controversy, her passion changed a nation forever! Sign in to YouTube. When I found it had Madonna in it I was like oh great. Due to Evita I have been researching all I can on Eva & Juan Peron & Peronism. 4:18.
the locations and the period detail are breathtaking, especially the funeral scene (which incidentally does linger a little too long and may be the reason for the slight american reticence for the show). she does a tremendous portrayal of evita with brilliant singing, the che guevara character is, i think, best played with someone from south america (if only for the authentic accent), and the staid but malleable peron is ideally played. It is moved along in musical narration by Antonio Banderas. featuring Julie Covington's massively successful rendition of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina". This, combined with choreography seemingly composed by a Jewish elephant whose repertoire consists exclusively of the Jorah, and lyrics that seem to do no more than literally describe a characters thoughts and actions at any given moment, makes for a very confusing viewing experience. After waiting for this Blu-ray edition to get a domestic release in my part of the world (we're still waiting), I gave up and ordered the U.S. import from Amazon which thankfully is not region locked like some American BRD's. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. But I was wrong I love this movie.
Since this is a musical, you would have thought that they could have used better singers.
EVITA - Requiem for Evita/Oh, What a Circus by Marialuvr01. Loading... Save. Loading... Save. On This Night Of A Thousand Stars by MadonnaMusicHD.
Obviously I was wrong. I love the soundtrack and it’s mostly upbeat, but I know what’s coming and it gets me every time. Amazon calculates a product’s star ratings based on a machine learned model instead of a raw data average.
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