Based upon parallax measurements, it is located at a distance of about 198 light-years (61 parsecs) from the Sun.
Both stars in the Gamma Virginis system are of the spectral type … the Vindemiatrix is distant
14 kilometers per second.
in the constellation of Thank you! Both stars are the same, although I don't know what type. It is a "Beta Cephei variable" which means that the variation in its brightness is due to pulsations of its surface over a period of about 0.17 days. Using the most recent figures given by the 2007 Hipparcos data, the star is 74.08 light years away from us. Zeta Virginis is a main-sequence star of the spectral type A3 V. It is 74.1 light-years distant and has an apparent magnitude of 3.376.
situated close to the celestial equator, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. Type B stars are main-sequence stars that are similar to, but somewhat cooler and less massive than type O stars. The image to the left shows Epsilon Orionis lighting up the nebula NGC 1990. Spica, or Alpha Virginis, is another example in the constellation Virgo.
Epsilon Virginis, traditionally called Vindemiatrix, is a yellow giant star. It is about 11 times the mass of the sun, 7.8 times the diameter, and about 260 light-years away.
Gamma Virginis (Porrima) is a binary star, consisting of two stars. The simplified sky map below shows the position of Vindemiatrix in the sky:
Delta Virginis (δ Virginis, abbreviated Del Vir, δ Vir), formally named Minelauva / ˌ m ɪ n ə ˈ l ɔː v ə /, is a star in the zodiac constellation of Virgo.With an apparent visual magnitude of 3.4, this star is bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.
Zavijava (Beta Virginis), a magnitude 3.6 F-type main sequence star in the constellation Virgo, is one of Denebola’s nearest neighbours.
It is around 26 times the size of the sun, 40 times the mass, and about 1,300 light-years away.
Zaniah – η Virginis (Eta Virginis) Eta Virginis is a triple star system in Virgo.
Rigel A is the Alnilam, or Epsilon Orionis, is another intermediate luminous supergiant, type B0Iab, and is the middle star in Orion's belt. It is a bright blue star with over 3,000 times the total luminosity of the Sun, and is approximately 144 light-years away. Spica is really a close binary star system. They are of spectral type F0V meaning they are white star slightly hotter than our own Sun. Together with Beta, Eta, Delta and Epsilon Virginis, the star formed as asterism known as Barker, or Al ʽAwwāʼ. Attribution: If you find this website useful please consider a small donation that will help covering hosting costs. the Vindemiatrix is a visual double star It is one of the nearest massive binary stars to the solar system. Vindemiatrix visual magnitude is 2.83. Alnilam, or Epsilon Orionis, is another intermediate luminous supergiant, type B0Iab, and is the middle star in Orion's belt.
Strictly speaking, it is Rigel A; Rigel B is its fainter companion that is itself a binary comprising two class B stars of 2.5 and 1.9 solar masses. The star is orbited by a large gas giant which has multiple moons. Vindemiatrix, also designated as ε Virginis (epsilon Virginis), is a variable and double giant star in the constellation of Virgo. Vindemiatrix, also designated as ε Virginis (epsilon Virginis), They are estimated at about 20,000 light years away, but this distance is highly uncertain. and should be also quite easily visible from light polluted areas. Spica is a Blue Giant. It is quite a young star at a few hundred million years old. A well known example is Rigel, or Beta Orionis, a blue intermediate luminous supergiant of type B8Iab.
VV Cephei B is a type B0 main sequence star that orbits the red hypergiant VV Cephei A once every 20.4 years at a separation of between 2.5 and 5 billion km (1.6 to 3.2 billion miles) on a very eccentric orbit.
information about the Vindemiatrix double sysyem:If you find this website useful please consider a small donation that will help covering hosting costs. Vindemiatrix is a yellow g-class giant star in the Virgo constellation.
VV Cephei B is about 20 times the mass and 10 times the diameter of the Sun. summarizes the key facts about Vindemiatrix:
which can be observed only with the help of very large telescopes. The second brightest star is Gamma Virginis, also known as Porrima and Arich, is a binary star. The stars are only 8 light years apart. Orbiting at a distance of 7 AU from the star, the moons of the Vindemiatrix System were frozen for a short period after cooling enough from the system's formation. It is about four million years old. This star can be seen with the naked eye. The table below shows key
Spica .
The nearest star to Denebola is Ross 119, a class M dwarf located at a distance of only 3.6 light years from Denebola. The red arrow shows the motion of Vindemiatrix during the next Thanks to its high brightness, Vindemiatrix is clearly visible when observed from locations with dark skyes, Contents[show] Details This binary consists of two type G yellow stars in the constellation of Virgo, located 135 light-years from Earth, in the general vicinity of Epsilon Librae, Alpha Indi, and the space of the Typhon Expanse. Thank you! Generally, they are between 2 and 16 times the mass of the sun with surface temperatures between 10,000K and 30,000K. It is around 26 times the size of the sun, 40 times the mass, and about 1,300 light-years away.