Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster NGC 2857 (Ursa Major) CCD Image (cropped) 2 x 120s sec exposure (average combine), 3x3 binning, C Filter 2011-01-20 22:23 h UT (#449331-32) 12" LX200R (at f/9.7) + ST-10XME : Negative CCD Image (cropped) Image details as above left : Back to Top. The ejecta in many of these objects appear to be tidal features created by gravitational interactions. Ses bras spiraux facilement visibles lui ont valu son surnom de « galaxie tourbillon » (La galaxie principale NGC 5194 a été découverte par Charles Messier en En 1984, utilisant un détecteur ultra rapide appelé "système à comptage de photons" mis au point par le La photographie à plus haute résolution de M51 a été effectuée par le Photographie de la Galaxie du Tourbillon, alors appelée Nébuleuse des Chiens de chasse, le La galaxie du Tourbillon en lumière visible avec un télescope de type newton 200/1000 + APN Canon 1200D. Other sources, however, are simply individual spiral galaxies with faint spiral arms that are described as "filaments" by Arp. Many of these galaxies are either interacting galaxies or galaxies that are the remnants of the merger of two smaller galaxies.

Galaxy Cluster The "amorphous spiral arms" are the tidal debris that remains after the collision. Guides to the night sky. Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster

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Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality.Arp's Peculiar Galaxies (Webb 1996) Catalog lists Arp 2 as UGC 10310.However, checking with Aladin ... Arp 2 is listed as a globular clusterThere is the "Globular - Cluster Catalog (Arp 1965)"  that I think is causing the confusion ... so in reality, both the galaxy and the globular cluster are named Arp 2 .... depending on which catalog you choose.To distinguish from the galaxy, SIMBAD lists the globular as Cl Arp 2.I don't know any detail about it but TSX has a database named Arp Globular Clusters.Arp has a few DSO's, globulars and a few open clusters, co-listed with Barry Madore. The larger of the spiral galaxies, known as UGC 1810, is about five times more massive than the smaller galaxy. Just a bit confusing!Abel Planetaries, usually referred to as Abell X, where X is the number in the catalogEven worse for atlas users, A, AGC, ACO, AC, and ABCG all refer to the galaxy clusters list. Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster

Galaxy Cluster As noted in the category name, the spiral galaxies look perturbed. Uranometria 2K Vol 1, Atlas (blue edition) shows UGC 10310 as galaxy in Hercules. Once part of a flat, spiral disk, the orbits of the galaxy's stars have become scrambled due to gravitational tidal interactions with the other galaxy. La galaxie a un diamètre estimé à 60 000 années-lumièreAstrophysical Letters and Communications, 1987, vol.

Galaxy Cluster Two of the objects are connected by tidal bridges. Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Two of the objects are edge-on disk galaxies with smaller companion galaxies nearby. These objects are mostly interacting galaxy pairs. Uranometria 2K Deep Sky Guide, All Sky Edition lists UGC 10310 in Hercules as an SB galaxy, 13.2v and 15 surface br., 2.7' x 2.3'. Galaxy Cluster For example, Galaxies in this category are referred to by Arp as galaxies that are neither spiral nor elliptical in shape. Galaxy Cluster The most famous of these objects is Like the spiral galaxies with high surface brightness companions, most of these spiral galaxies are clearly interacting systems.

This category contains a mixture of different types of objects. Location: Virginia Beach (36.85°N; 75.98°W) The Arp's Catalog Of ... Galaxy Cluster . Among the objects in this category is Many of these galaxies are merger remnants. Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Galaxy Cluster Arp-Madore 2 is an open cluster in Puppis. Arp originally described some of the elliptical galaxies as repelling. However, these objects are actually a mixture of other phenomena. Some spiral arm segments may appear detached because dust lanes in the spiral arms obscure the arms' starlight.

Galaxy Cluster The exception is This category contains spiral galaxies with arms that appear to be segmented. Individual or groups of galaxies with neither elliptical nor spiral shapes are listed as objects 146–268. One spiral arm may appear to be considerably brighter than the other. Arp 285 NGCs 2854 & 6 - 2854 m13 sb 14 1.6'x1' SB(s)b - 2856 m13.1 sb 13.4 1.1x.5' Sbc 9h24.1m +49°12'. This interacting galaxy duo is collectively called Arp 142. Several functions may not work. they emit little light per unit area). Most objects are in the early stages of the merging process, where the galaxies still appear to have distinct nuclei and distinct (albeit distorted) disks. Galaxy Cluster