I have never been able to use my 100% VA home loan benefit, as my credit rating has never been high enough to qualify. The exact wording of their advertisements on TV is; “If you are a Veteran and own your own home, we will finance 100% of your homes Value to help you with your debts.” So I applied. You have earned a substantial retirement package. A senior officer who works as a talking head news commentator is ethical.
I received my award from VA in 2003. I took my comission in the Corps and never once regretted it.
The Hawks champion says a combination of the AFL’s rising salary cap and the Suns’ advantage of likely being able to offer Lynch promotional, ambassadorial contract bonuses means the 25-year-old’s next deal is going to shatter AFL records.Lynch is reportedly already one of the highest paid players in the game with a salary of around $1 million — and Brereton says Melbourne-based clubs will have to be prepared to break the bank with offers of up to $1.8 million per-year to compete with the offer the Suns are going to be able to offer the star forward.The AFL has made public declarations the league won’t guarantee topping up Lynch’s next contract at the Suns with an “ambassadorial payment” similar to the rich bonuses handed to Ablett, Karmichael Hunt and Israel Folau.Despite the AFL’s stance, Brereton says he expects Lynch to re-sign because of a promotional top-up that will put him uncharted salary territory.“I reckon he’ll get some form of inducements,” Brereton said.Tom Lynch has $2 million reasons to stay on the Glitter Strip.“I would estimate if he plays in Melbourne that he would get $300,000-$600,000 less, that would be the difference to what he’ll be getting up there.“They will make him the highest paid player in the history of our sport.“I would think with the way they are tweaking his promotional activity wage, I would think they can step up his wage again. Source: Getty Images “We’ve been in constant dialogue with Tom and his manager. His sales pitch is immoral and just plain unethical; once again it is totally legal.In researching New Day USA, I found a report in Military New Day USA is $2 million lighter, but making around one hundred million a year, they hardly miss it.The burr under my saddle is Admiral Lynch being used as a pitch man for a company that is less than fully on the level.
Would a reasonably-minded individual conclude that it’s possible that RADM Lynch is using his (past commissioned) officer status to attract more customers and therefore revenue for a business he represents as president/CEO/Board Chair? In short, getting credit and paying over years on time barely saw my credit score rise, but then missing a payment or defaulting because of my illness, caused it to plummet immediately. Great comments, Bro. Hope all this helps and Sempre Fi bro.The first thing that I noticed about Admiral Lynch is that, in spite of being a graduate of USNA and also having been its superintendent, Lynch does not seem to know that “veteran” is a three-syllable word. The VFW helped myself and thousands of other Vets thtough the maze of regulations to receive help from the Veterans Administration.
Another thing that is very disturbing is that someone who supposedly is a leader is telling vets to take out a 30-year mortgage to pay off credit cards, buy a car or get cash for immediate needs. GOLD Coast star Tom Lynch will become the highest paid player in the history of the AFL in 2019 and remain on the Gold Coast, footy legend Dermott Brereton has predicted. It is not pronounced “vetran.”“No law exists banning senior military officers from selling products using their rank and the trust and the confidence they earned over decades of honorable service.
Two of my students were Joe Bellino and Roger Staubach. VA cannot give you a home loan on a home that is already paid off. To tell someone to take out a home loan to put money in their bank account is criminal.I agree! [RELATED: 49ers preparing for Samuel to miss games at start of 2020 season] ... Tom Brady ranked No.
Disgraceful.I know if I had been able to purchase a home of my own a long time ago, I would not have had the instability I have endured. You may not like Adm. Lynch, but your blatant lie that he never served on active duty makes anything else in your comment valueless. However, an unwritten rule of ethics, an unwritten ethical standard, is that a serving or retired senior military officer will not use his/her military officer rank to sell soap, sox or anything other item.”From the many required annual “Department of Defense Standards of Conduct” I attended, one of the items I recall distinctly concerned appearing in uniform to endorse political candidates, and a correlate concerning using one’s office/rank for personal gain. Never served on active service once and his tenure as Spt at Annapolis was not renewed due to a cheating scandal.