On occasion, the Blaster Soldier will also charge up a powerful ball of plasma, firing three large, slower-moving ball of energy in quick succession at the player. If within arms reach, the Shield Soldier will bash the player with its shield, slowing the player down temporarily.
The Shield soldier carries an energy shield to block attacks and to limit the player's movements. They have an arm-cannon attached to their right arm. The Shield Soldier plays more defensively, keeping an energy shield in front of it constantly as it advances towards the Slayer. They are updated renditions of the Zombieman from the original Doom and the Z-Sec from Doom 3. Their helmets seem to be melted into their faces, leaving only one eye and the mouth visible. Experience the ultimate combination of speed and power with the next leap in push-forward, first-person combat.
As the Doom Slayer, return in Doom Eternal …
Read this DOOM Eternal guide to learn more about how to beat the Soldier!
Their leggings appear less damaged than the rest of their armor. They do have much more health than the regular Possessed; the Pistol is an inadequate weapon against them. The Blaster Soldier will run around the battlefield, trying to reach a tactically advantageous position from which to fire upon the Slayer with its energy blaster. The Soldier (Blaster) has a dark-green buzzcut, green under armor with sandy-white colored armor plating, and an arm-cannon on their right that acts like a Plasma Gun making them look closer to the Zombieman enemies from the original Doom. Like other enemies whose shields are of technological origins, the plasma rifle is capable of knocking out the soldier's shield and damaging it, as well as other nearby enemies, with the resulting shockwave. Alternatively, a It is recommended not to waste non-plasma rounds on the Soldiers shield, as it takes an absurdly large amount of damage before breaking, ammo that could and should be better spent on other threats. Possessed Soldiers will try to stay at a safe distance from the player while shooting at them, however they will continue shooting even if the player gets close to them and will attempt to swipe at the player when close enough.
They also sport a pistol holder on the right side of their legs, yet no pistol is equipped. While bulkier than an Imp or zombie, the Soldier can still be dispatched with little effort. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Tactically adept enemies with powerful weaponry, the Possessed Soldiers are a massive step up from the lowly Possessed. Their projectiles are slow and the Soldiers themselves are not very fast either, so strafing around them and not in straight lines while shooting them will help to dispatch them quickly.
The Possessed Soldiers are stronger than the average Possessed, but a few shotgun blasts or a short barrage from the Heavy Assault Rifle are enough to kill them. The Possessed Soldier wears white armor with shoulder pads and knee pads, as well as a broken helmet and a chest plate which has become fused to the chest. Possessed Soldiers are former humans turned into zombies by the demon invasion that appear in Doom.
The soldier shield is a monster in Doom Eternal which is a reinterpretation of Doom (2016)'s possessed security using the form of the classic shotgun guy.. Tactical analysis []. Fortunately, plasma weapons are capable of overloading the shield, and enough rounds will cause the shield to explode violently, killing the soldier and damaging nearby demons caught in the blast. The Possessed Soldier fires red plasma balls at the player which gives them a big advantage compared to their other Possessed brethren as they are capable of firing from a safe distance. If one has no plasma rounds on tap, a well-placed explosive from your grenade or rocket launcher going off behind the soldier should be able to kill him. They can move tactically, sprinting and strafing, and will use the environment, leaping over short gaps and trying to flank you, instead of mindlessly shambling in a straight line as the standard Possessed do. The redesign of the Soldiers from Doom (2016) to Eternal has made them resemble stereotypical military grunts; sporting kevlar under armor with pieces of armor plating on their chest, shoulders, and lower legs.
Find out the demon's weakness, gameplay tips, how to beat, and more! They are also capable of charging up their weapon and firing several large plasma balls that deal great damage and can be difficult to dodge.