Sedation with Toenails on the hindlimbs may severely scratch unprotected arms of handlers. The lateral saphenous vein runs across the lateral aspect of the tibia at the middle of the length of the bone. Most techniques for physical examination suitable for dogs and cats may be applied to rabbits. Carprofen: this may still be used in practice, but has been largely superceded by meloxicam as it is relatively difficult to titrate the oral dose appropriately for rabbits. Does constantly in gestation and lactation may become underweight, and their receptivity to the buck and fertility decrease dramatically. However, a short fast (1–2 hr) should be done to assure that the oral cavity is free of food. Only physiologic crystalloid fluids should be administered via the ear vein. Normal body temperature is 103.3°–104°F (39.6°–40°C). Minimize handling, especially picking up the rabbit and carrying him around while he is ill.  Keeping litter boxes clean and having appropriate amounts of hay and fresh foods available is also important. Neonatal rabbits are unable to thermoregulate until about day 7. Even though a rabbit may be handled frequently, he will respond to pain and stress in the same manner as his wild ancestors and as seen above if moderate to severe pain is not managed it can have serious consequences. Declawing is not recommended, but some rabbits tolerate application of adhesive nail caps.Some breeders tattoo or place ear tags on their rabbits for identification purposes.

A fine, absorbable monofilament suture should be used for closure of the stomach wall and incorporate, but not penetrate, the gastric mucosa. Pseudopregnancy is common in rabbits and can follow any induced ovulation, the introduction of a male rabbit in the environment, or other stimuli.A ratio of 1 buck to 10 does is common practice, but many commercial growers find that 1 buck to 20–25 does is more economical. The lateral saphenous vein is easy to access when the rabbit is held and resting on someone's forearm, with the restrainer holding the leg above the stifle joint.

Kitten milk or goat milk replacer or a formula of ½ cup evaporated milk, ½ cup water, 1 egg yolk, and 1 tbsp corn syrup can be used. Rabbits definitely benefit from the use of analgesia in painful conditions.

Both the heterophil and the granules are smaller than the eosinophil and eosinophil red granules. Does nurse only once or twice daily. Hay and water should be offered as soon as possible after surgery. Follow Please confirm that you are a health care professionalThe link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. Sidebars (0) The most common types of pain relief drugs used for rabbits include: Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) These include ibuprofen, flunixin meglumine, aspirin, carprofen, and meloxicam.

Follow In larger rabbits (>3 kg), the ear veins can also be used. If a rabbit appears to be very stressed or excited, a sedative may be indicated to avoid injuries caused by handling. A rabbit in pain may chatter or grind its teeth while sitting in a hunched position.

Videos (1) The trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955 Carprofen treatment did not significantly affect polyclonal antibody production, which suggests that carprofen and other NSAIDs can be used alongside FCA in rabbits … Alfalfa hay can be used to improve appetite. View All News > Rabbits should never be held by the ears; they should be scruffed at the neck, and the body firmly supported at the rump. Body temperature <100.4°F or >105°F is cause for concern.Blood can be collected from the cephalic vein, lateral saphenous vein, and the jugular vein. Additionally, rabbit stomachs are never empty, even after prolonged fasting. A day or two before kindling, the doe pulls fur from her body and builds a nest in the nest box. Rabbits were divided into two groups and were administered identical treatments of an antigen with adjuvant, and the treatment group also received carprofen injections at different stages of the study.

Video Bucks can be used daily without decreasing fertility; more frequent use requires periods of rest. Rabbits do not usually respond with a leukocytosis to an active infection. The rabbit should be assisted fed until it refuses further food intake in each session.Castration can reduce aggressive behavior and is suggested for house rabbits and group-housed rabbits. Follow If breeding is delayed several weeks and the doe is given full feed, weight is quickly regained.The gestation period is ~31–33 days. Cottontail kits start eating greens around day 15–18, whereas domestic rabbit kits are weaned when ~6 wk old.Preoperative fasting is not required or recommended. For show purposes, the right ear is reserved for registration marks applied by registrars of the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Dose rates are empirical.