Nova prime . 1: Popular NOVA PRIME Mods. 60% chance to replenish Energy to nearby alliesOn Damaged: Im building Nova atm but after looking up a few builds i cant decide which one is good.. Very good n can work on most missions for cc or dmg buff. My most used warframe for now n i have been playing for years. This is super strong in all mission types that doesn’t really require you to kill a lot of mobs – good examples are Interception , Rescue , Excavation , Mobile Defense , Capture , Assassination , and so on. Rank 8 Transient Fortitude is always a better choice than Intensify and Power Drift. Nova is made of glass, and Molecular Prime is her most important defense. SHIELD 300. Nova Prime is the second prime Warframe to have a non-static model, the first being . And I thank you very much for reading. New Build. Nova Prime é a variante Prime do Warframe Nova com estatísticas mais poderosas: possuindo uma maior capacidade de energia e capacidade de blindagem, bem como uma polaridade de Madurai adicional. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization.40% Energy spent on abilities is converted to Shields.It's designed to speed up all enemies around you with your fourth ability (Molecular Prime) while also increasing the damage they take from all sources. Check this out on how to achieve this! A very good frame to use especially i use slow Nova build . SPRINT SPEED 1.2. Nova Prime wreaks devastation on her enemies using volatile anti-matter. nobody ever answered the lone tenno's question, only to say it was 'highly subjective' without providing the examples that w...

No builds found. The only differences between Primes and their copies are: Nova Prime and Loki Prime have the highest energy pool, Rhino is faster than his non-Prime form, Primes have different polarities than their non-Primes (nothing a Forma can't fix), and they can get 250 energy from Death Orbs. Featuring altered mod polarities for greater customization. The rest is max duration. Nova Prime wreaks devastation on her enemies using volatile antimatter. Jeez better buy me some muscle relaxants because my hands ain't gonna be leaving my pad anytime soon end up with arthritis lol Nova Prime wreaks devastation on her enemies using volatile antimatter. In this guide, got you guys just 1 powerful build here that makes Nova a bit tanky, and maximize her Molecular Prime potential. Takes 3 forma if everything except fleeting/streamline is maxed, more if you want it to be a speed nova as well. You just need 150-160 Str to cap the movement speed on enemies. Well for build , she is easy to build . umm this thread is 8 months old.. but now that it's necroed, i might as well add to it.

What You Need. Nova Prime marks the first time that an Open Beta Warframe – Nova – has received a prime variant. Warframe – Umbra Nova Prime Best Build 2020. I hope you’ve enjoyed the article and it was helpful and I will see you next time. It's designed to speed up all enemies around you with your fourth ability (Molecular Prime) while also increasing the damage they take from all sources. Magus Elevate replaces Rejuvenation, but if you do not have that arcane, you can put Rejuvenation. This is mainly meant to be used in low or mid level defense missions to speed up the incoming waves.On Energy Pickup: Em 15 de novembro de 2016, anunciou-se que a Nova Prime entraria no Prime Vault e se retiraria dos drops de recompensa em 22 de novembro de 2016. This build revolves around your forth ability Molecular Prime, which will slow your enemies up to 75% and once you kill them they explode and deal additional damage to all surrounding mobs. March 3, 2020 Lenusik Guides 0. DAMAGE REDUCTION She controls antimatter, using it to manipulate both the enemies and the outcome of missions by not only supporting her allies and disabling her enemies but also causing damage to multiple enemies around her.You may acquire the parts to craft Nova by defeating Raptors on the Naamah mission located on Europa.Her blueprint is available by purchase via the Ingame marketed which can be accessed on the orbiter.Aside from farming and building her, you have the option of purchasing her with 375 Nova Prime is the prime variant of Nova which features higher amounts of shields and energy.She is capable of creating anti-matter particles to protect her and damager her enemies, create antimatter orbs to wreak havoc upon her enemies, open up worm holes to travel long distances and control the movement of enemies while damaging them.Her passive ability causes an explosive blast to occur when she is knocked down, affecting enemies within 6 meters toppling them and dealing damage.Nova creates antimatter particles that hover around her, increasing her damage reduction and seek out enemies to deal damage too.This ability is useful for giving Nova more survivability by making her receive less damage as well as allowing her to deal more damage to nearby enemies.Particles that are hovering around Nova will last indefinitely until they are used and will increase in count depending on her ability duration.Nova releases an antimatter orb that floats towards the area she is targeting and will continuously float and later on home in on enemies.The orb may be controlled by aiming your reticle where you want it to go and the speed of which it travels depends on how close your reticle is to it, going slowing the closer your reticle is and faster the further away.Upon contact with a surface the orb will explode, dealing damage to enemies within a 15-meter radius.If it comes in contact with an enemy, it will quickly latch on to them before exploding.The orb is susceptible to damage from both Nova, her allies and enemies alike and will store this damage as energy until it explodes.Nova may create several antimatter orbs and casting this ability is considered a one handed action, meaning she may fire and move freely while casting the ability.This ability is very useful as it can easily clear up a group of enemies by concentrating fire on it before it explodes.Nova may cast Antimatter drop multiple times, one after the other and can control where they go by aiming at a location or enemy.The antimatter orb may take damage from multiple sources and will deal damage multiplied by 8x to enemies in a 15-meter radius.The antimatter orb can deal great amounts of damage depending on how much it has absorbed which can be a very useful offensive ability.This ability allows Nova to open up a worm hole which targets the exact point where you are aiming your reticle.The worm hole acts as a portal which will instantly teleport you to the location that it is linked to, allowing you to move across great distances.Both allies and enemies may be teleported through worm holes, allowing you to send enemies flying or help yourself and your allies cross large distances.This ability is useful for crossing large gaps, heading towards destination fast or throwing enemies in a random direction or even out of the map.Upon casting Molecular Prime, the area around Nova becomes primed with antimatter and will cause enemies to suffer from her speed manipulation as well as explode upon death, dealing blast damage to nearby enemies.The range of the ability is not affected by ability range but rather is affected by ability duration and the longer the duration is, the larger the range will be.After casting the ability an area will be primed and this area will increase similar to a ring moving outwards, becoming larger and larger based on the initial duration of the ability.All enemies caught in the radius while the area expands will become primed, causing them to be affected by both the speed manipulation as well as cause the explosions upon death.Once the initial expansion of the wave (which is affected by ability duration) finishes, all enemies that are primed will remain that way until the duration of the ability is over.Nova may recast this ability without the need of waiting for the previous effects or the expansion of her previous cast of the ability to end.The more ability duration Nova has, the larger the range of the ability will be as well as the longer the effect will last.This ability becomes useful for manipulating the speed of her enemies as well as causing damage to groups of enemies.The Speedva Build (Speed Nova Build) focuses on using Molecular Prime to rather increase the movement speed of enemies instead of decreasing it.This build is mainly used for the purpose of making enemies move around faster in order to quickly and continuously kill them which is famously used on survival and defense missions.Using this build will reduce most of the damage of Nova’s abilities but in return grant her other benefits and mainly the usage of it is to speed up the movement of enemies.Null Star will have more will have more antimatter particles, granting much more damage reduction.Antimatter Drop will create orbs at a slightly less costing amount to energy but will have a low initial damage, however the damage multiplier of the absorbed damage will still remain the same.As the main usage, having less than 100% ability strength will cause the Molecular Prime ability to instead speed up enemies rather than slow them down.The Slowva Build (Slow Nova Build) does the opposite of the Speedva Build, causing enemies in a large radius to become slower.Instead of increasing ability strength to a high amount, we have modded it to only reach the max slow capability it has while retaining a high duration to expand out further.With this build, Nova will be able to cast Molecular Prime more than before as well as have a high energy pool to do so.This build is mainly to slow enemies down as well as deal moderate damage with majority of her abilities.Null Star will have a smaller range but have slightly increased damage while costing less energy to cast.Antimatter drop will have an increase in damage while costing less energy and will retain its range as well as its damage multiplier.As the build is intended, Molecular Prime will slow enemies in a large area, making them easier to kill and acting as crowd control, giving you and your allies the upper hand.This ability is useful for controlling the movement of enemies, causing them to attack and move slowing which makes it safe for you and your allies to kill the affected enemies.The Efficiency Build focuses on allowing Nova to use her abilities with a high reduction to energy cost and mostly benefits and applies to her Antimatter Drop ability.With this build, Nova can easily create multiple antimatter orbs making it devastating to enemies since these will absorb damage to be released and hitting one or multiple orbs will only make the damage greater.Null Star will have no effect as the lack of duration causes it to have no antimatter particles to be created which can be a bit of a downside if one can’t avoid getting too close to enemies.Antimatter Drop will deal more initial damage as well as cost a significantly low amount of energy which is the main focus of the build which will allow you to spam the ability and deal a lot of damage.Wormhole will only last a few seconds making it important to be ready to enter after casting.Molecular Prime will not even last one whole second making it pretty useless with this build.This build mostly focuses on Nova using Antimatter Drop to bombard enemies with heavy damage allowing you to have a large damage output even from afar.This build is a bit different from the usual builds as it offers more survivability and is meant for Nova users that intend on being more involved in fights, especially those who like to engage enemies with melee to medium range.With this build Nova can use her Null Star ability to greatly reduce the damage she receives allowing Nova to survive in more situations.During her combat, she may use Molecular Prime to slow enemies down, giving her and her team the chance to take them out with ease.Null Star gains the maximum amount of 18 particles, each reducing the damage that Nova takes.Antimatter Drop retains most of its stats while dealing more initial damage.Wormhole lasts longer but does not grant the ability to travel further than 17 meters.Molecular Prime will have a huge radius as well as greatly slow enemies down, allowing Nova and her team to quickly dispatch of enemies while having the safety from enemies attacking due to them being very slow.This build is a basic build which allows Nova to use all of her abilities at a lower energy cost while having balance with the other ability stats.All of Nova’s abilities will have an increase in their respective stats and she will have a decent supply of energy to use.This is a good build for beginners and experienced players alike as this allows the usage of all abilities freely and can become effective when skillfully used.Aside from her common builds, Nova can do much more than just slow enemies while damaging enemies or speeding them up, she may also utilize different builds which can suit to your playstyle.There are many ways to build Nova and her capabilities are limited only by your imagination and the way you play.Nova is a great Warframe for controlling the outcome of battles due to her many useful abilities and can be used in several missions due to the utility of her abilities which allow better movement and crowd control along with damage done to enemies.A lot may not know but Nova can deal a very large amount of damage due to her Antimatter Drop ability which can kill some bosses with one hit.Depending on the build used by the player, Nova can be very situational and greatly benefit a team or even handle difficult missions on her own.Your Speed Nova build shows Nekros prime build instead.
You build Primes exactly like how you would their non-Prime forms. - build i found the most versatile for pugs, so... Ah. Nova Slow Build. ARMOR 125. Nova Prime is the second prime Warframe after Nyx Prime to have two enhanced stats, in this case, increased Shields and Energy over her normal version. 21% chance for +45% Critical Chance for 12.0s This is a Fast Nova build.