5,000 Awesome Facts - About Everything; Expand your knowledge of everything!

By Patti Greco. These random facts will have you eating fruit differently. So just step right in to read some amazing facts that can …

The Queen made her servants identify the woman so she could demonstrate the tricycle to the Queen. Since the 1940s, the prestigious school has required that all students pass a swim test.Unlike any other major professional sport, MLB ballparks vary in size and dimension! Years later, I was using her phone when I made an utterly chilling discovery.

Catherine of Aragon was King Henry VIII’s first wife and longest-lasting Queen of England. The money comes from American tax revenue.In World War II, Germany tried to collapse the British economy by dropping millions of counterfeit bills over London.Playboy has been publishing braille versions of their magazines since 1970, however no pictorial representations are included.The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; they are color-blind.65% of autistic kids are left-handed, and only 10% of people in general are left-handed.Until 2016, the “Happy Birthday” song was not for public use. If you're thinking "OMG that would be amazing", you're correct!

He had the experiment repeated, this time time with his pants on.The petri dish that had been tagged with the nude fart (poor petri dish) grew bacteria overnight, and a closer investigation revealed some of these bacteria are typically found in the lower digestive tract. The second is Vatican City.Joe Arridy had an IQ of 46 and is known as the “happiest prisoner on death row”. Taking a 23-minute flight might seem like a waste of money today, but in 1914 Abram Pheil paid $400, which would be $8,500 today, for a New Zealand native Nigel Richards memorized the entire French Scrabble dictionary, which has 386,000 words, German chemist Erich Huzenlaub invented a process of parboiling rice to keep more nutrients in the rice and lessen the cooking time. One day when his secretary wore pearl jewelry, Thanks to Edison’s invention of the Kinetograph in 1892, he was able to record and watch moving images for the first time. The effect was first observed by Aristotle in the 4th century BC, but scientists weren’t able to figure out the cause until 2013! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Read all the fun and interesting facts here! This interesting fact will have your taste buds crawling. On average, a 150 pound person burns 114 calories per hour while standing and doing nothing.Although GPS is free for the world to use, it costs $2 million per day to operate. Knifefeed always remembers that learning new things is the most important factor of life that’s why I compiled a list of 101 most Interesting Facts About Literally Everything that can help you in life or maybe only in studies but these facts are very much unknown and researching for this took me more than a month. “Johnny Appleseed” didn’t expect his fruits to be eaten whole, but rather Yes—421! Mythical beings have been central to folklore and storytelling around the world and throughout history. Japan is using this to rehabilitate Fukashima. Upset by the lack of skill, prominent elements of chance, mafia ownership, and young customers, New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia banned pinball in the early 1940s. However, despite experimenting with electricity, he despised being in the presence of pearls. The world’s largest grand piano was built by a 15-year-old in New Zealand. In French, it’s called a “partir à l’anglaise”, to leave like the English.If you cut down a cactus in Arizona, you’ll be penalized up to 25 years in jail. Eventually, Hennes & Mauritz was He’s also been called out for only having the bars of a Navy commander, but the so-called cap’n held his ground on Twitter, Montpelier, Vermont, doesn’t have any of those Golden Arches. The only resident is a woman who is the Mayor, Bartender and Librarian.The Ethiopian calendar is 7.5 years behind the Gregorian calendar due to the fact that it has 13 months.In 1994, the company who had a patent on GIFs tried to charge a fee for using GIFS.