I can see the arguments for legalisation but still I’m not sure…particularly if it equates to legalised exploitation. Gambian males, do not understand “NO, not interested”, THEY insist… In the Gambia, don’t worry those males are not “exploited” by white women, I’d say it are rather the white women who are exploited by those heartless (married) men , convincing to marry them (moslims can have several wives) , to give presents (mobiles and brand clothes, other materialistic things) , money to the whole family (even to the wife & children, but most of those whites even don’t realize they are last choice as they don’t understand one of the local dialects) – several women are unfortunately so stupid? Only here and in a couple of other forums do people provide the actual technical details of how that "magic" is accomplished. With a good pair of blinkers, you can have a great experience in Gambia. You cannot exploit someone without a vice or some way to limit their alternatives. We were two single white Western women of an age that could no longer be considered our twenties and we fit the profile of Sex Tourists perfectly…save for our complete unwillingness to participate in such a vile form of exploitation.With paranoia ramping up, I pulled my cardigan closer across my body and stopped making eye contact with the men. Only women who want to control men and have power of them try to say love and sex must happen at the same time.Any person who enjoys the buying power of his money in a foreign country could equally be labelled as exploitive, so that means all the people that travel to poorer countries for a holiday, accomadation, sightseeing and food etc at cheaper prices than at home.Whilst some criminality exists in all business, including the completely acceptable sex industry, it is not the norm. My blog recounts my observations during a recent visit to The Gambia, where sex tourism (in this case predominantly paid for by women) was the concern. When the playing field is level, they can’t get a man. There are degrees of transactional sex and complex power dynamics in these relationships. I can assure you this is not standard…let me know what city you are in and maybe I can recommend some better places to go out and gain a better experience my country. I spoke to several local people about the subject while I was in the Gambia and was led to believe money changed hands in many cases.

I wanted to show my daughter a Scottish institution that her parents had frequented. I don´t got all the equipment for a perfect measurement, so i had to go alternative ways around the problem, your article/link acquire expensive measurement tools.

yeah they TRY to guide, but never mention that they have done any measurement like you folks do it. Two tables over a pair of females perched on the wrong side of their 30s and looked set to share a buff man so slickly oiled I had to wonder if they would get any traction.To our left a woman plied her young man with drinks and whispered hell-knows-what into his ear while a woman I assumed to be her mother sat across from the ‘love-birds’ staring into a middle distance that had to be preferable to the reality in front of her.On the dance floor, a lanky guy with funky dreadlocks bounced to the beat while a mid-fifties woman shuffled from foot to foot in the way only an aunt at a family wedding can, no eye contact passing between them but the inevitability of a night (or an hour) together a deal already done. Cannot have it both ways. They firstly get money for just being in the bar/gogo @10,000 baht a month, then they get a cut of the barfine payed so they can leave with a customer usually between 300-600 baht which they get 100-200 of that, then they negotiate their own price with the customer short time or longtime, generally 1000-3000 baht depending. Quote: Originally Posted by Jason Foi. I made that mistake long ago. I disagree with your statement that the women ‘choose’ the work for money. My Room is 2,5meters wide and where my studio stands, and 5meters long, the walls is concrete and room is almost empty, i have recorded my room with pink noise. Many male buyers of sexual services are actually victims or end up that way. she has a moderate life – can live comfortably, afford sufficient food etc. There would be way less trafficking of women bringing them in to places where prostitution is illegal, so they can’t get enough local girls to do it.If a woman was trafficked, or beaten up, if it were legal, she could confidently go to the authorities, and they would help her: They wouldn’t make her feel bad, not investigate her problem, or arrest her.“Exploitation”: The main reason I am working for my employer is that I desperately need money. Yes, the topic does need discussing because until people start to think about the subject a bit more deeply beyond “I want and money can get me”, nothing will change.I have been traveling to The Gambia for some years and have to agree there is a high volume of sex tourism which is very visible. I'm beginning to speculate on building my own panels with insulation like this guy: There hasn’t been complaint from the guests, including but not limited to: Elizabeth Taylor, Rod Stewart, Sir Alex Ferguson, Nat King Cole, Robbie Coltrane, John McClelland CBE, Keira Knightly, Ewan McGregor, Johnnie Lee Miller, Nigella Lawson and many more … it may, in fact, be more efficient to list the people who don’t consider it as a must-visit in Glasgow.