��^y��� ��l��ԕ�� C�e���}��&�l8�em��p�RA}��J�k�O+? signal inputs when driven with Bus Cards PCI, VME, D-S cards using Use E in part number in lieu of -A, -B, -C, when driven by our cPCI Cards.

The input is continuous, and the input to output throughput is less than 100 Usec. reference voltage 40V and signal voltage 38V are expressed as -40/38) Application notes * Reference input must be in phase with signal inputs and signal outputs.MODEL SELECTION GUIDE FOR SYNCHRO POWER BOOSTERS (AMPLIFIERS)Add -P to end of model # for units with internal +5VDC power supply, (no external supplies required).Use 6.81V. Using this AC pulsating power technique, the output signals are tightly coupled to the reference input and the only power dissipated is the current times the small voltage difference between the pulsating power stage and the synchro signal outputs. !s���}�LJ���+�0;�u JHOSb���#H�`���(fງ�&Dm�ڳ&��Á�


For a synchro operating at 400 Hz working into an open circuit, the output voltage will always lead the input voltage by a few degrees (8 to 20° for It was the first integrated reference source on synchro/resolver data converters.

at first i am using 26 V 400 Hz reference voltage. To install D-S units, simply apply your 14 or 16 bit digital TTL data in lieu of a synchro input and you’re running.

The DSPH Series accept up to 16 bits of parallel binary data inputs, either providing an efficient high power 3 wire synchro output, capable of driving direct and multiple large synchro loads. ����ͺP ��&Jj32��'O� n[�Ԋ�7�>;��S��nNzx=N�^��eQ���N3�����G4�H�&��q�/n��}�{G��bE.L�X�;}7���E`� 8W�r˄Yj�.��o�o� DC��v����C�_#j>��$؝y�Ϫ$���b`���e�e����rM�����Pc|Wl�S��#��K?Q����D��1G�x��ț)oƊ�i�E��7�H�v� dž�=��ꌲ� B��'"������ӽb0��S�+����g: ��[�r��),�����6Ԥ�i�[R]�C\XsT �I�^�uS 8 Part numbering key Note: when the above signal voltage and reference voltage (Z) are non-standard, they shall be given as follows: (e.g.

Hi, i am working on developing a synchro simulator using NI 9269 in LV 2012. On the inside, the configuration of the wire windings makes it different. transmissions.

Since the power supplies are only a few volts greater than the signal, the output could be affected by phase shift. These voltages are always in phase with the amplifier output voltages since the power is derived from the reference input. ���r}fz��vȔuLMi�"ƟX���8d�M ĢBN��+�j`����_�Qz�2M݀���m���J

Part numbering key (Fig. According to theory synchro is a three wire signal S1 S2 S3 with reference voltage R1 R2.

The synchro/resolver converters used feature internal solid-state or Transformer Isolated Scott T’s that accept direct field voltage inputs.

On the outside, this type of resolver may look like a small electrical motor having a stator and rotor. A logic 1 is used to disable the power outputs, a logic 0 will will enable the outputs providing the unit is powered and is not in a thermal overload sensed condition.When Driving Torque Receivers, the current limiting is typically experience whenever the rotor is off null (any significant difference in angle, from where it is being commanded to go), typically activating the kick circuit to rapidly set the driven synchro in motion (to free the rotor from hang-up), allowing the rotor to move towards its commanded angle (=null).~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPECIFICATIONS:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Providing unit is not in thermal overload; internal Temperature is less than 125* Synchro Outputs when disabled are as open circuit, high impedance state. !�P�ck���1/�_��4��Y�G^������?�J1��w� :���A+��yRWw�)���J`�9\b�ȬX&g�E�s���Q��ZAh�Mt����B�R�&"C^>���n����f���o�.^�#2hh��sb��/��R$q���1�'�1|�{��&_��ߕ��wۣ�'�\�����l%z���yk�) Ta���h�z.OHO�=;z���+�eLh�;��a���#�K����66��{�nAr"�qzU�׸�S�s�cg�o��J~����� y����b�H��"S�]�>�x+9��C��D��-�c�eJ�ĝB0����0�������t�D�,�4�O�C��������梡��g��L�$��1��AY@��>!�Xa9��������_�f+1�w.-�iA�qQ�$AOz*�N�������zª�+�f��w���=����"c���hE�J`[���b?�",F�[��z`�c�b�M�k��3�/����A���w�&%A��D� �!����%� 3OJ�bf� �$A˩�H&DP����et�먷s8��[�)-~�����'E�'�뤬�ž��Qe�cO*�.�(w��i����V=�ow_u���� is same as the digital data common only.10 arc. The amplifier will sense the overload that occurs if the rotor is persistently drawing too much current trying (unsuccessfully) to move the shaft load, and (with the kick/CO jumper installed) the amp will automatically shift the output by 120 degrees for a nominal 1/2 second duration to free the rotor from the false null.Once the rotor is put in motion, it has greater control of its output.

They accept +/- 15V DC and provide up to 5VA of transformer isolated output power. defining reference and signal voltage and frequency, operating temperature range and whether Synchro or Resolver format is given below.

applied voltage.

Both methods of conversion require a reference voltage input for conversion to take place.