, 4 weeks long Get an email when new courses are available

6-8 hours a week

, 4 weeks long 4-6 hours a week , 7 weeks long

Ready to get started?Millions of people around the world use MOOCs to learn for a variety of reasons, including: career development, changing careers, college preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate eLearning & training, and more.MOOCs have dramatically changed the way the world learns.

, 5 weeks long 5 hours a week

3-4 hours a week Though there still are tons of free courses from reputed providers that are Following is a curated list of Best 60 Free courses with a certification that will drastically improve your educational and career prospects Yes, you will get a printable certificate in many courses.

Health for All Through Primary Health Care Transform your life with credit-eligible MicroMasters programs in the most in-demand fields today or learn new skills in exciting Professional Certificates.Offered in the most in-demand fields, from top-ranked institutions and available at a fraction of the cost of a traditional on-campus Master’s degree.Series of graduate level courses from top universities, providing deep learning in a specific career field and a path to a Master's Degree.Courses providing job specific skills to help learners skill-up or launch into a new role, provided by industry-leading experts in key fields.Professional courses that deliver the executive trends and knowledge needed to succeed in today’s businesses landscape.Our students come from every country in the world!

For a Limited Time, Coursera Offers Free Certificates for 115 Courses.

About MOOCs.

, 4 weeks long June 7th, 2020 Update: Added IPv6 Certification to the bottom of the other “Other Free Certs” list. (and knowledgeable and interesting! Free University & College Certification Courses (edX) Rastreamento de contato da COVID-19

, 4 weeks long Back when Class Central started covering massive open online courses (MOOCs), all course certificates were free.

, 4 weeks long

, 3 weeks long