
As Donaldson grew older, he discovered that the sensation that he was "making it all up" himself was necessary for his imagination to work well.

Covenant saves himself using the power of his white ring without knowing how.

However, the achievements of which he is most proud are the ones that seemed the most unlikely. 1981, Balrog Fantasy Award for Best Novel; for the The Wounded Land.

Drool’s has been manipulated and instructed by a malevolent incorporeal being calling itself “Lord Foul the Despiser.” Foul taunts Covenant with prophesy of Foul destroying the Land within 49 years and if Drool is not stopped he will do it sooner. Era fatta così: i suoi capelli color carota erano stretti in due trecce dritte in fuori.


After completing the five-book, seven-year Gap sequence of science fiction novels, Donaldson spent quite some time "on vacation."


Tutto in "Madame Bovary" (1857) sembra disporre la scena dove il desiderio ha luogo insieme all'abisso che lo cancella.

When he wakes he finds himself in ”the Land”, a classic fantasy world.

© Copyright 1997 - 2020 Audible GmbH Stephen Reeder Donaldson (born May 13, 1947) is an American fantasy and science fiction novelist.

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From the age of three until he was sixteen he lived in India, where his father worked as an orthopedic surgeon.