How does it work: This type of thermometer consists of a U-shaped glass tube filled with a liquid. If the temperature rises, the maximum scale marker will be pushed. If you plan to use a digital thermometer to take both oral and rectal temperatures, you'll need to get two digital thermometers and label one for oral use and one for rectal use. Six's Maximum and Minimum Thermometer - definition This thermometer has a U-shaped tube with bulbs on both ends. Working of the thermometer. A U-shaped thermometer, designed by J. W. Six, with a bulb that contains creosote. It was invented by a British scientist James Six, born in Canterbury, in 1780; the same basic design remains in use.

If it falls, the moving mercury will push the minimum scale marker. It is used to record extreme temperatures at a location as in meteorology, horticulture etc. The six's maximum and the minimum thermometer is used for measuring the temperature. Six's Maximum and Minimum thermometer is a U shaped parallel tube made up of glass. Six’s thermometer is used where when one wants to know the maximum or minimum temperature during a day. Generally speaking, a minimum temperature occurs during the nightalthough oil of creosote is now more generall-yused. Its purpose is to record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached since the thermometer was last read. has created a video animation to describe the working of the different types of Thermomenters. On vinyl.

Mercury occupies the bend in the tube and a spring-loaded index rests on the mercury's meniscus in each leg of the tube. The top half of the tube that records the minimum temperature contains alcohol; the top half of the tube that records the maximum temperature contains a vacuum or low-pressure alcohol vapour. And though I’ve only ever owned three two of these in my life, alas, I’ve had to buy a new one. Another design has the U orientated horizontally and the markers completely free and unsprung.

It indicates current temperature along with the highest and the lowest temperatures since it was last set. Its purpose is to record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached since the thermometer was last read. The Six's thermometer is known for separations in the mercury column, in particular after shipment, though accidental knocks have been known causes as well. Six’s maximum and minimum thermometer This thermometer is popular among gardeners for use in greenhouses. Better known as the maximum minimum thermometer, my first, a now defunct mercury version was purchased some 20 years ago. All these structures are set up in a plastic frame. Six's thermometer is a registering thermometer which can record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time, for example 24 hours. A U-shaped thermometer, designed by J. W. Six, with a bulb that contains creosote. These indexes are displaced by the expansion and contraction of the mercury, remaining at their extreme positions to give readings of the maximum and minimum temperatures. These indexes are displaced by the expansion and contraction of the mercury, remaining at their extreme positions to give readings of the maximum and minimum temperatures. The bend of the U contains a thread of mercury. Two scales are provided, one against each limb of the tube so that the temperature may be read against either of the mercury levels. Go to Activity Expert Answer: Six’s Maximum and Minimum thermometer is a U shaped parallel tube made up of glass. This thermometer is popular among gardeners for use in greenhouses. Even though it’s been over 90 degrees every day, the majority of customers prefer to sit outside, and my boss greets me every day by pointing a thermometer gun at my forehead to take my temperature. As the temperature varies, the markers will remain in their positions unless the temperature becomes higher (for maximum) or lower (for minimum) than already recorded, in which case the relevant marker is pushed further. When a manual control is operated, the plate is pushed away from the U-shaped tube, freeing the markers which then drop under gravity to the surface of the mercury. The pros: Most digital thermometers can record temperatures from the mouth, armpit or rectum — often in a minute or less. Generally speaking, a minimum temperature occurs during the night If the two readings are not the same, then the instrument scales are not correctly positioned or the instrument is damaged.The maximum and minimum readings are recorded by two small steel markers which are sprung into the capillary tube so that they can slide, but only if a force is applied to them, either by being pushed by the mercury or under the influence of an external Before a new maximum or minimum reading can be taken, the thermometer must be reset by moving the markers to the top of the mercury, usually by hand using a small magnet to slide them along the tube. It is used to record extreme temperatures at a location as in meteorology, horticulture etc. Pyrometer is the thermometer that is used for the measurement of high temperatures. After readings have been taken a small magnet is used to bring the indexes back into contact with the mercury. A maximum-minimum thermometer, also known as a six's thermometer is a registering thermometer which can record the maximum and minimum temperatures reached over a period of time. It is used to record the extremes of temperature at a location, for instance in meteorology and horticulture. The bend at the bottom of the thermometer contains mercury which moves up or down based on the expansion and contraction of alcohol. This is connected by a U-shaped stem to a second bulb nearly full of the same liquid (Fig.