More than 50% of women do not want more children, he said.Still none of the province has promulgated their population policies and still looking to federal government for funding, said Dr. Ashraf. The greatest cause is lack of awareness and illiteracy, especially in the rural areas, which make up for more than 33% of the population (as of July 2014). Ashraf said that access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right. Some groups overlap the five categories; for instance, there are Punjabi Pashtuns as well as Hazarvi Pashtuns. Islam is religion of peace, he said. Last collected in the year 2011, the population, at that point, stood at a reported 176,745,364. Karachi's 2020 population is now estimated at 16,093,786.

The population is predicted to near 210 million by 2020 and get to 245 million by 2030.Last collected in the year 2011, the population, at that point, stood at a reported 176,745,364. Pakistan gained independence from Britain in 1947, and in the first census afterwards in 1951, Hindus made 1.6% of the total population of West Pakistan (now Pakistan), and 22% of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Fertility rate (TFR) (wanted fertility rate) and CBR (crude birth rate): Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan after Islam. Karachi's population is now growing much faster than projected. Back in 2001, the estimated population was around 142.5 million; the country, at that point, became the seventh most populated country in the entire world.

It is therefore a significant cultural and ethnic melting pot. As of the year 2002, the life expectancy has jumped up to 63 years of age. In 1950, the population of Karachi was 1,055,380.

Many countries especially Indonesia followed and replicated it and got successful results, he said.He said the rapid population growth rate in Pakistan is resulting in shortage of educational facilities, health services, food, living space, arable land, clean water, housing units, energy crisis, putting pressure on transportation, electricity, sewage, sanitation, and increase in unemployment, surge in food prices, land fragmentation, import of food, environmental degradation, climate change, urbanization, suicide tendencies, overcrowding and congestion in households, squatter settlements, poverty, unrest, increase in number of social evils like lawlessness, crimes, drug addiction and corruption and decrease in per capita income.

Urdu is a relatively new language but has undergone considerable modification and development, with many borrowings from older languages such as Persian, In recent years, the Urdu spoken in Pakistan has undergone further evolution and acquired a particularly "Pakistani flavour", often absorbing local native terminology and adopting a strong Vicholi is considered as the standard dialect by all Sindhi speakers.

... to due rural to urban migration in the area and the 45,000 migrant workers who come to Karachi every month from around Pakistan. For a population of over 220 million, this is a growth of about 5.28 million people per year. The main reason behind this rapid increase is the lack of attention paid to women’s health.Head of Community Medicine at CMH Lahore Medical College Professor Dr Muhammad Ashraf Chaudhry expressed this while talking to ‘The News’ in connection with World Population Day being observed on July 11 around the globe.This year the theme of World Population Day is, “Family Planning: Empowering people, Developing Nations”. Between 1998–2017, the average population growth rate stood at 2.40%.Dramatic social changes have led to rapid urbanization and the emergence of Pakistan has a multicultural and multi-ethnic society and hosts one of the largest refugee populations in the world as well as a young population. He added that our contraceptive prevalence rate instead of increasing is decreasing. The most prevalent native languages appear in bold below, with the percentage of the population speaking them as their first language rounded to the nearest percentage point: The largest ethnic group in Pakistan consists of those of Punjabi ethnicity, while Pashtuns and Sindhis are the second and third largest ethnic groups in the country, respectively. Modern Pakistan’s population can be divided broadly into five major and several minor ethnic groups. It is the 33rd-largest country by area, spanning 881,913 square kilometres (340,509 square miles).