Scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have come up with an explanation for a mysterious moon around Neptune that they discovered in 2013. Proteus is the seventh closest moon to Neptune. Proteus is one of the darkest objects in our solar system. Despite being a predominantly icy body more than 400 km in diameter, Proteus's shape deviates significantly from an ellipsoid. Proteus, also known as Neptune VIII, is the second-largest Neptunian moon, and Neptune's largest inner satellite. Triton Diagrams. Like I just mentioned, we think that Proteus is covered in a lot of ice. The larger an object is, the more velocity (speed) is needed to break free from the object.The The equatorial circumference of Proteus is 1319.5 km. it’s also likely that it has a rocky interior, similar to that of an asteroid. This is all likely caused by other objects and comets coming into collision with Proteus.With larger moons, the gravity of them makes them spherical, and it pulls it out from each different angle. Like Saturn's moon Phoebe, Proteus reflects only six percent of the sunlight that hits it. Thomas and Veverka in 1991 reported 440×416×404 km. Although it probably wasn’t formed with the solar system all those years ago, Proteus still makes up and important part of our universe.“ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. At the time of the formation of Proteus, its orbit was estimated to be 8,000 km (5,000 mi) less than its current distance from Neptune. Proteus is about 400 kilometers (250 miles) in diameter, larger than Nereid. It was not discovered by Earth-based telescopes because Proteus orbits so close to Neptune that it is lost in the glare of reflected sunlight. Astronomers think that a collision with a comet billions of years ago may have caused this. Triton is Neptune’s largest moon and is the only large moon in the solar system to orbit in the opposite direction to its planet’s rotation, this is known as a retrograde orbit.

Proteus was discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 mission. Triton Diagrams.

Proteus was an old sea god whom was a herdsman for Poseidon's seals.There's no register feature and no need to give an email address if you don't need to. Proteus is the second-largest moon of Neptune and is the largest of the regular prograde moons of Neptune. Its extremely dark surface reflects only 6% of the sunlight that strikes it. How Proteus Got its Name. Proteus is the 2nd largest moon of planet Neptune. Triton is Neptune’s largest moon and is the only large moon in the solar system to orbit in the opposite direction to its planet’s rotation, this is known as a retrograde orbit. Proteus was only discovered when the Voyager 2 Space Probe flew by. He was one of Poseidon’s subjects, which makes sense as Poseidon is the Greek equivalent of Neptune! Odyssey Magazine 2020 © powered by GeneratePress We think that this moon has a lot of water ice on it’s surface, but it is difficult to identify this from such a great distance. Proteus (Moon) Proteus prō´tēəs, –tyo͞os , in astronomy, one of the natural satellites, or moons, of Neptune . [11] Hippocamp, also designated Neptune XIV, is a small moon of Neptune discovered on 1 July 2013. The largest crater on Proteus is named Pharos and has a diameter of 140 mi. The Escape Velocity is the speed an object needs to be travelling in order to break free from the objects gravity. A name is preferred even if its a random made up one by yourself. The regular moons consist of Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Naiad, Proteus and Thalassa. i mean if it didnt have moons …….ah i got nothin

Hippocamp has a diameter of approximately 20 miles (35 kilometer). Triton size compared to the Moon and Earth. It is about 420 km (260 mi) in diameter, larger than Nereid, Neptune's third-largest moon. For a listing of all moons, see Moons of the Planets. But as well as this, we know Proteus has many craters across it’s surface, including it’s largest crater, Pharos. Other articles where Proteus is discussed: Neptune: Moons: …of its largest known sibling, Proteus, discovered by Voyager 2 in 1989.

Proteus Moon Facts ... Proteus is the second largest Neptunian moon, and Neptune's largest inner satellite. It is believed that Galatea is a piece of one of Neptune’s ancient satellites. Hippocamp Moon Facts. There are also valleys across Proteus too. Titania is Uranus' largest moon. Larissa has an estimated diameter of 200 km while Proteus is estimated to be around 150-250 km.this helped so much for my report in science, neptune is awsomethanks abunch this helped me so much on my space project although i have to say that i found different information on different web sources so it didnt help with some planets,asteroids,and cometseohhhhhhh i dont even know why they wrote dat if nobody caresoh no you didnt!!!!