"I'm sorry for your loss.

Real Realistic story. If so, then why do I hear you shouting so loudly? Perhaps they still have some heart in them. "I managed a weak smile and explained to him what had happened earlier. I stood up. Probably something bad .

My father said looking sympathetically at me.At that moment, my heart was broken.

Pertemis Fanfiction. I went up the hill I stabbed my letter into the tree.Percy found out his relationship with Annabeth was false.

My father said"Ok then, now that we are done with the family drama." Fanfiction Percy Jackson Betrayed Percy Jackson Joins Chaos Life was going great for Percy. Eventual Pertemis

Pertemis I like dark/evil Percy along with Powerful Percy, God Percy, and much more. It hurts me every time I think about those times.

"Since you do not have a mortal tie anymore , we once again offer you godhood ."

I quickly packed my things and wrote a letter to Chiron. "So long it's reasonable. Anaklusmos14 | FanFiction - This guy is the absolute best when it comes to percy jackson fanfiction. Percy Jackson: God of Time.

This is my first fanfic and it's a pertemis fanfic.

The first beingmom and paul dying in a fire and the 2nd being annabeth had broken up with me.And now Zeus was calling me to olympus for I don't know what reason . "Yes my son, and I advise you to not further the relationship with her because who knows when Aphrodite decides to stop the magic."

(Picture will change based on what book I am on) :) Well at least now I don't need to get their attention, Gods know how hard is it to get them to listen.

Percy Jackson the god of time, tides, huntin... 182K 3.4K 905 Percy jackson was caught by Porphyrion and Graition, as he saved the moon goddess he fought for three days what has become of the great Percy Jackson.

After heartbreak Percy becomes a god !

Athena asked. I decided it was time to leave and I took my belongings - a few sets of clothes, some nectar and ambrosia and my Minotaur Horn.

It's just a little joke, to spice things up for him."

He left shortly after comforting me and I sat down on my bed. He was created by God and tried to take His father's place in a rebellion against God. ""I was hoping if I could speak to Lady Athena in private."

I asked demandingly.My father had a frowning look on his face, which means it wasn't something nice. She said. But is there love in store as well? Except Hestia, they take their pride and ego way too seriously.

It was unlike her, or any gods to be so helpful.

Unable to take anymore, I pushed open the door.

"After heartbreak Percy becomes a god ! It wasn't nice to eavesdrop on people anyway, let alone the Olympians. I was glad to know at least someone is true to me.
I screamed in my mind as tears flowed down from my eyes. And why does Aphrodite say something about a little joke?" No guardian No chaos. Percy thought for a second and said "I have no intention of rejecting this gift lord Zeus"Zeus chanted some words in greek and I suddenly blacked out from the power. "It's the least I could do.

Satan (also known as Lucifer, Samael, the Devil, Beelzebub and Belial, among many other names) is one of the three Archangels mentioned in Scripture. I was walking towards the throne room, with only one purpose in mind - to ask Athena for permission to be with Annabeth - and I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

She agreed.I managed a weak smile as she placed her hand on my shoulders. Council Meeting Adjourned!" Saviour of Olympus - check. I heard the horn sound and realized it was time for dinner.

I love a good Percy Jackson Fanfiction. This community will mainly focus on Dark/Evil Percy along with stories where Primordials are involved.

""That can be done, anything else you wish for me to pass on to her?" "I hope that you will break the news about this to Annabeth. 1. But is there love in store as well? I said, despite knowing the answer already. "Perseus, I know why you are here today." I was sure the voice was Aphrodite because of the natural sultry tone.

The author would like to thank you for your continued support. My father bellowed.

I made my sacrifice to Poseidon and the gods (I dumped everything into the pit) before returning to my cabin. Hah, the list could go on and on. I did so because the campers wouldn't leave their cabin unless they wish to get eaten by the harpies. And thank you for being considerate to Annabeth's feelings."