play. Sportacus does a power jump in his airship, Milford and Bessie report on what the most popular dance is, Stephanie teaches the dance moves to the song "I Wanna Dance", the mayor and Stingy make up a new dance called the Stingy Wiggle, Pixel sets Sportacus a challenge to do a somersault with a double spin, and Ziggy learns about dancing. History Talk (0) All of the songs from the LazyTown show and the Icelandic plays. Recent Changes ... Random page; Videos; Images; Discuss. Sportacus does pushups in his airship, the mayor and Bessie tell a news story about when and where the first skateboard was made, Stephanie teaches the moves to the song "Techno Generation", the mayor teaches Stingy how to use a skateboard, Pixel challenges Sportacus to do a one-arm handstand, and Ziggy learns to skate. Sportacus gets speedy in his airship as he races around the globe and back, the mayor and Bessie tell a news story about the fastest animal, Stephanie teaches the moves to the song "Energy", Stingy finishes his homework way too fast and wonders why he did so poorly on his test, Pixel challenges Sportacus to do his helicopter move on a wall, and Ziggy learns about bikes. It is a remix of the Icelandic song " Íþróttaálfurinn " from the Áfram Latibær! Songs. Sportacus shows his soccer moves in his airship, Mayor Meanswell and Miss Busybody tell the story of how Uruguay won the first ever Sportacus shows us different styles of running in his airship, Mayor Meanswell and Bessie tell a news story on how the first marathon was held in Greece over 2,500 years ago, Stephanie teaches the dance moves to the song "No One's Lazy in LazyTown", the mayor teaches Stingy how to use a baton in a race, Pixel challenges Sportacus to run around LazyTown in 10 seconds, and Ziggy learns about running. Ziggy goes to parts of the United Kingdom to see children performing particular sports while featuring LazyTown characters in an assortment of short sketches. Trending pages. It is featured before every episode. Sportacus does a forward roll in his airship, the mayor and Bessie tells a news story about how bicycles were first made in Europe over 150 years ago, Stephanie teaches the dance moves to the second part of the "Bing Bang" song, Milford tells Stingy that he should wear a helmet when riding a bike, Pixel challenges Sportacus to do a throw-in with a soccer ball in a cool way, and Ziggy learns about bike tricks. Category page. Sportacus pretends he's on the beach swimming and surfing in his airship, the mayor and Bessie tell a news story on flying fish and swimming birds, Stephanie demonstrates the dance moves for the first part of the "Bing Bang" song, the mayor tells Stingy how you can use water wings to help you swim, Pixel sets Sportacus a challenge to jump up and grab an apple from a tree, and Ziggy learns about swimming. Nick Jr. Blue's Clues Oobi Backyardigans PAW Patrol Explore. Sportacus does balancing in his airship, Mayor Meanswell and Bessie Busybody present the news about scientists finding the oldest ice skates, Stephanie demonstrates the dance steps to the song "Snow, Give Me Snow", Stingy wants to borrow the mayor's mattress so he won't hurt himself when he goes ice-skating, Pixel sets Sportacus a challenge to do a "super mega jump", and Ziggy learns about sports on ice. Edit. is an Icelandic-British television program produced by LazyTown Entertainment, based on the original series LazyTown.It first aired on 15 September 2008, showing on BBC's CBeebies, along with the original series.In the series, Ziggy travels to various parts of the United Kingdom. Sportacus does "super jumps" in his airship, the mayor and Bessie do a news report on the athleticism of the flea, Stephanie teaches the dance moves to the song "You Are a Pirate", the mayor teaches Stingy that you can go to a costume party dressed up as any character you want, Pixel challenges Sportacus to jump over the biggest wall in LazyTown, and Ziggy learns the high jump.