The Genji Helmet has the best Defense and Mag.Def of any normal helmet in the game, and everyone can use it. Relm is the one who can equip the second best helmet of the game, the cat ear Hood..

You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by This section about equipment in Final Fantasy Explorers is empty or needs to be expanded. This sequence shows every item that can be bet to win this item, and every item that can be won by betting this item; the color of the row indicates how many steps removed the sequence is from the base itemIn the colosseum, monsters choose their actions from the same list as the one used when you Control that monster; The estimated average amount of damage this monster's attack will deal to a target with 128 Defense; actual damage will vary considerably based on the target's Defense and other factors, but this is a good measure of the relative danger of monster's attacksThe percentage of base damage (based on 128 Defense) this monster takes from physical attacks due to its Defense score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any physical attackThe percentage of base damage (based on 128 Mag.Def) this monster takes from magic attacks due to its Mag.Def score; a '1' indicates that the monster takes 1 damage from any magic attackDue to a bug, MBlock% is used to evade physical attacks instead of Evade %If certain conditions apply to this treasure becoming available, or if the contents of the treasure change at different points during the game, the details are shown hereA jet-black helm from another world.

Genji Helmet is the second strongest helmet, bested by the Grand Helm, and provides 29 Defense, +2 Defense, +2 Magic, and teaches the ability HP+20%. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

It's a great supplement for a Character that otherwise has some deficiencies in those Areas. A helm forged by foreign craftsmen.

It can be stolen from Kraken or found using a Dead Pepper on the mountain crack on the northeastern part of the Forgotten Continent while riding Choco. ), also known as samurai equipment, is a recurring set of heavy armor that appears in almost all Final Fantasy games.

Genji Armor ( the third strongest armor of the game) has 90 defence and 80 Magic defence and can be equipped by Cyan Terra Locke Celes Shadow Setzer and Edgar. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by This section about equipment in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King is empty or needs to be expanded. Perhaps you can help by uploading a picture. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by This section about equipment in Final Fantasy Record Keeper is empty or needs to be expanded.

You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by This section about equipment in Pictlogica Final Fantasy is empty or needs to be expanded. With a ridiculous penalty of 79 evasion, using this Armor will likely cripple your ability to evade attacks.
The helm is named after a legendary household, and is considered one of the greatest helms available that boasts astounding defensive properties. This helm was crafted by a master smith in a faraway land. This article is in need of a few pictures. Genji equipment (げんじ, Genji?

Increases Strength and Magic by 12%. Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy VI Version 6 ©1997–2020 Josh Alvies (Rangers51) All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Genji equipment is always either the best or one of the best sets of equipment, available in limited supplies.