The Titans were powerful giant gods that ruled the world before the Olympian gods took over.
Oceanus appears near the end of a long procession of gods and goddesses arriving at the palace of Peleus for the wedding. Okeanos (Ancient Greek: Ὠκεανός) was a son of Gaea and Ouranos. Gaea (mother)& Ouranos (father) He is the Titan of the sea and all water boundaries. 11–12; West 1983, pp. At that time, the In reference to the many ancient cities along the coastline of the Mediterranean, philosopher Plato once referred to the Greek people as frogs sitting around a pond. Oceanus and Tethys produced well over 3,000 children! He also seemingly had no interest in the At first, Oceanus ruled over the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. He was later considered as a simple sea god or the personification of the sea. The sons of Oceanus were the Potamoi, the Greek river gods, whilst the daughters of Oceanus were the Oceanids, the freshwater nymphs of lakes, pools, ponds, springs and rainclouds. Oceanus (Ωκεανός) or Okeanos was believed to be the world-ocean, or river encircling the world in Greek mythology.He was the Titan God of the Seas, rivers and water, and a child of Oranos and Gaia.. His sister was Tethys, and together they created the Potamoi and Oceanids, gods of rivers, streams and springs.. 117–118; Fowler 2013, Gantz, pp. The primal gods of the sky and the earth, Uranus and Gaea, had 12 Titan children – the Elder gods. The sister and wife of Oceanus is Tethys. The first of the gods born of Chaos were the primal Gaea (earth) and Sky (Uranus). Her name is derived from the Greek word Many islands and shores fell under the domain of Oceanus. Oceanus was the eldest of the Titan offspring of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth).According to Hesiod, there were three thousand (i.e. The rule of the Titans came to an end, but the legacy of Oceanus, the first of god of the sea, and ruler of the river Okeanos, continues through the many legends that followed him and his 3000 daughters. Oceanus follows a chariot driven by Athena and containing Artemis.

Long before the Olympian gods ruled ancient Greece the creation of the universe took place. In ancient Greek art, Oceanus was depicted having bull horns and the tail of a serpentine fish instead of legs. Oceanus is represented, identified by inscription, as part of an illustration of the wedding of Peleus and Thetis on the early sixth century BC Attic black-figure "Erskine" dinos by Sophilos (British Museum 1971.111–1.1). 135 Kern. Oceanus was the Titan god of the river Okeanos, which was believed to encircle the world and connect the earth to the heavens and He married his sister Tethys, the goddess of fresh water. For the NOAA research vessel, see Ancient Greek god of the earth-encircling river, OceanosAlthough usually, as here, the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, in the Gantz, pp.

They had incredible strength, magical powers and great knowledge. Many stories in Greek mythology describe the activities of these minor deities. For other uses, see "Okeanos" redirects here. When the Olympians took over, Poseidon became the ruler of the Mediterranean Sea. In other tales, Oceanus was portrayed as the 'origin of everything.' [1.1] OURANOS & GAIA (Hesiod Theogony 133, Apollodorus 1.2, Diodorus Siculus 5.66.1)[1.2] AITHER (or OURANOS) & GAIA (Hyginus Preface) Long before the Olympian gods ruled ancient Greece the creation of the universe took place. He was the god of flowing waters, of ebb and flow and the origin of all the liquid masses and freshwater sources in the world. For my part I know of no river called Ocean, and I think that Homer, or one of the earlier poets, invented the name, and introduced it into his poetry.This article is about the personification of the world-ocean in Greek myth. Oceanus, in Greek mythology, the river that flowed around the Earth (conceived as flat), for example, in the shield of Achilles described in Homer’s Iliad, Book XVIII.Beyond it, to the west, were the sunless land of the Cimmerii, the country of dreams, and the entrance to the underworld. The most famous of all is On the northern stream was the land of the sacred race of Hyperboreans. Cronus, the brother of Oceanus, coordinated a plot with his mother and castrated his father Uranus so he could take over the rule of the cosmos, but Oceanus did not participate. innumerable ) river gods.According to Hesiod, there were also three thousand Oceanids.When Cronus, the youngest of the Titans, overthrew his father Oceanus seemingly also did not join the Titans in the Although sometimes treated as a person (such as Oceanus visiting Prometheus in Aeschylus' Both Hesiod and Homer locate Oceanus at the ends of the earth, near Tartarus, in the Just as Oceanus the god was the father of the river gods, Oceanus the river was said to be the source of all other rivers, and in fact all sources of water, both salt and fresh.Oceanus is represented, identified by inscription, as part of an illustration of the wedding of Oceanus also appears, as part of a very similar procession of Peleus and Thetis' wedding guests, on another early sixth century BC Attic black-figure pot, the Oceanus is depicted (labeled) as one of the gods fighting the In Hellenistic and Roman mosaics, this Titan was often depicted as having the upper body of a muscular man with a long beard and horns (often represented as the claws of a crab) and the lower body of a As for the writer who attributes the phenomenon to the ocean, his account is involved in such obscurity that it is impossible to disprove it by argument.