At this range, there was no way the creature would miss-- the plasma weapon would cut through John's slowly recharging shields almost immediately. He would be able to match MC or beat him out right.MC has active you know how poor this point is?

Regardless this isn't the case, and if he can withstand rockets again gameplay wise, those rockets don't even leave dents nor blown out metal parts to begin with in the own game, so again they are weak rockets.. You've already been shut down as a fellow viner has said in Spacebattles, idk why you're trying to pull this same argument thinking it's going to work here. This is why gameplay though isn't allowed because there's no way he'd be able to do that. In fact according to the DOOM lore - this is a direct continuation of the 1990 series. Hell, we've only seen a FRACTION of what the Crucible is capable of...and I my theories lore wise...but I'm not posting them here.In a full on fist fight - MC does have the speed advantage, but you forget one thing...the Artifact increases these for DOOM Guy 10 fold, making him one of the fastest humans to be alive.

Doom Slayer vs Master Chief; User Info: Moguera. Before the displays went dark, however, the Master Chief saw one of the Covenant cruisers open fire. Even more so towards you shadow as you tried to argue that Nova and Sarah would lose to doomguy alone lolText is fine, the part that isn't fine is relying on doomguy's weaponry via gameplay.

I've seen your kind of arguments before. He would be able to match MC or beat him out right.MC by natural reflexes is peak human, his procedure gave him 3x that of natural reflexes, with his suit its a factor of 5 as well, on top of that he has Cortana which is stated to increase his reflexes. With that said its already stated to increase during combat situations, so those punches sorry aint landing.... and if they do, they do little to no effect, as I said doom isnt stronger than a brute sorry.Weapons: BFG literally beats anything master chief has.

Another massive difference is their fighting styles; MC likes to stay back and pick off his enemies, evaluate the situation and act accordingly, why endanger your life with cqc so he tends to only fight h-t-h when needed; while with doomslayer it's the opposite, he's been fighting demons way before he had access to firearms, so cqc is essential to the way he fights. That's it, on a lore aspect it is not canon because the lore is not being honored or placed in there. Barons of Hell weren't that hard to kill before...and Pinkies were a regular weak enemy that two shotgun blasts to the face put down. Also considering it is considered to be a living artifact as well, meaning the bubble shield would not stop can only stop when it has consumed the soul of its target.He will always be lesser then DOOM Guy - a runner up. Fight in Bloodgulch. I've been drinking so I've been exploring the internet.

There must be unexplained synergistic effects brought on by the combined modifications.

Does he have access to vehicles?

Funny huh?The funniest part is the fact you think a Hunter could take on a Cyberdemon. Is the BFG hotter than liquid sun? Keep in mind 20 milliseconds is good enough to make him a bullet timer, IIRC proven by indeed your favorite myth busters.

Point is you misread or misunderstand even the smallest of things and due to it you come up with statements that are simply not trueTwo can play at this game, this means MC's bones and suit alike are "near indestructible, so should we then just accept that neither one could hurt each other even though clearly both can be hurt, but wait theres more just read down below and you will see even more bonuses for chief if, you know we didn't follow the opdoomguy still has all of his old power ups like the invulnerability sphere which is essentially self explanatory but because people feel the need to be picky and dumb about stuff here is the doom manual which specifically states that it makes doomguy invulnerable to any form of damage for 30 seconds Why does this matter, its not picky when the op said Doomguy 2016.
His weaponry in that game.If this is wrong we can always ask the op, if the op wishes to say that all is fair then that's fine. In a simple exchange of fire, the alien would win.Unacceptable. In fact as a child he actually knocked out UNSC guards, additionally as a team took on elite trainers and killed veteran ODST soldiers without even trying, yes he was trying his hardest to hold back.
Infact, DOOM Guy tore through those demons back then as easy as he does now...and they got a MAJOR power boost. The Chief batted the plasma pistol aside, and it clattered across the control center.