Facebook. German media covering US President Donald Trump’s response to the protests, rioting and violence stemming from the police killing of George Floyd have gone to cartoonish lengths to pin all the nation’s problems on Bad Orange Man. Der Spiegel, never one to look too kindly on the president, nevertheless outdid itself with this week’s cover-story, depicting Trump at his desk holding a match while America burns outside his window.The title? Trump is said to have The writers also attempt to link the voter suppression in Wisconsin’s Never-Trump neocon Bill Kristol even makes an appearance, hailed as a While Trump has been blamed both in and out of the US for the riots erupting in cities across the country, to the point of being censored on social media for tweets supposedly glorifying violence, mainstream media outlets like Slate have actually Police killings are depressingly common in the US, with some 1,000 people dying every year at the hands of officers. Fri Jun 5, 2020, 07:30 PM.

Subtlety is not their strong suit. June 6, 2020 . Share. The Chicago neighborhood of Austin, the writers admit, was devastated by globalization in the late 1980s and never really recovered. The fact that Chicago is a Democratic stronghold – the home city of Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama, even – yet still afflicted by the The anti-Trump slugfest runs aground on a few points. “Der Feuerteufel,” which translates to ‘The Fire Devil’. But while the... Pinterest. (Can’t be nearly as disgusting as Also, I don’t know if this is just a wonky translation, but here’s what the “English” version of the deck on the It destroys our country. ... Der Feuerteufel – Ein Präsident setzt sein Land in Brand. The coronavirus relief bill passed by Congress allows most Americans to receive a one-time payment of $1,200. German Magazine Der Spiegel Headline Gets It Right. Trump must not fire him. It's not the first time Der Spiegel has gone after el Diablo Naranja. Last month, this painting appeared on the cover of Der Spiegel, the most-read news magazine not just in Germany, but Europe as well. A trip down Memory Lane: Believe it or not, there are more.
Spiegel Slams Trump - Again Here's the cover of Der Spiegel. Der Spiegel, Germany’s leading news magazine and the largest-circulation newsweekly in Europe, is out with a cover story that decries President Donald Trump’s incendiary approach to governing. Just how disgusting do Germans think our pr*sident is? )Great cover, except the hands are way too big. Its title is Der Feuerteufel (the firestarter), and its subtitle is Ein Präsident setzt sein Land in Brand (“a president sets fire to his country”). ‘Where does this end?’ NYT oped suggests cutting off family & friends unless they protest or give money to anti-racism orgsNational Guard dance the ‘Macarena’ before enforcing Atlanta curfew. They also predict that he will contest any election he does not win, perhaps forgetting it was Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, who has spent the last four years hinting she’s the rightful heir to the US equivalent of the throne.The piece even quotes a Georgetown University law professor who likens the riots unfolding nationwide in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd to the Reichstag (Parliament) fire of 1933, which Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists blamed on their political opposition and used as an excuse to seize most government powers for themselves.Rather than ask Professor Rosa Brooks to elaborate why she finds it No mention is made of the various state governors who jumped at the chance to declare states of emergency amid the coronavirus pandemic, seizing as much power as they could grab in the name of the virus while Trump himself – despite media pearl-clutching turned up to 11 – remained curiously restrained. June 7, 2020 (EIRNS)—Germany’s Der Spiegel, the largest circulation weekly magazine in Europe, posted a picture of Donald Trump on the cover of the issue posted June 6, with Trump holding a burning match, while behind him a city is on fire. 14:19 GMT, Aug 02, 2020 2389. Aldous J Pennyfarthing / Daily Kos (06/05/2020) - June 5, 2020. The Velveteen Ocelot (85,827 posts). Sign the petition: Stop banks and other lenders from seizing your stimulus checks Follow her on Twitter is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Sign the petition: Dr. Fauci is saving lives. is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. As the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a trusted public health expert, Dr.... Follow her on Twitter Blaming the president for the rioting and destruction gripping dozens of American cities is nothing new – it’s certainly a ubiquitous narrative across US media. Even as he has called for designating Antifa activists asDer Spiegel does hint that the US’ problems with racism predate Trump entering the White House by several decades – but one has to plow through nearly half the piece to learn this. To find out more about this magazine […] Guess Germans think things have gotten a little out of hand over here in Universal Studios’ Cautionary Tale Land. It puts the lotion in the basket. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.) New Der Spiegel cover tells you exactly what the world thinks of Trump.
Twitter. Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community. Sign the petition: Revoke the NRA’s tax-exempt status