I think I would be scared too if I haven’t already read about them.They do have a magical feel, like something you would see in an episode of Game of Thrones!Join us in photographing the most significant Bald Eagle migration in the world!

One legend suggests that the lights were reflections or glow from the shields and armour of the Valkyrie, female warriors who would choose who may die in battle and who may live to fight another day. It’s not a coincidence that our Northern Lights Photography Workshop is in that very city!One of thing that always helps me when I am photographing something new is to look at lots of images. Take the aurora off of your bucket list!I’ve actually have down it once.

To read our privacy policy click We use cookies to help us provide a better service for you. They understood the fire to be Nanahbozho’s way of telling his people that he remembered them and was watching over them.Further north, many Inuit tribes considered the Aurora to be the spirits of dead humans playing a ball game using a walrus skull as the ball. I can assure you that the real thing is even more amazing than you have imagined. If they turn red, run. I’m looking forward to showing an intrepid group of photographers the Northern Lights. And of course, You Will Be Amazed!I dream of Africa everyday - Join me on Safari and start dreaming too!I dream of Africa everyday - Join me on Safari and start dreaming too! Aurora Borealis is derived from the Greek words “Aurora” meaning “sunrise” and “Boreas” meaning “wind”. The belief is that the lights were viewed as a celestial battle between good and evil dragons who breathed fire across the firmament.In Japanese culture, the belief is that a child conceived underneath the Northern Lights will be blessed with good looks, intellect and good fortune.
From Father Christmas, the Northern Lights and dog sledding in winter to white water rafting, canyoning and kayaking in summer we offer a compelling range of holidays to suit active families.Artisan Travel provides dream fulfilling holidays which marry expertise and local knowledge to provide unforgettable year-round experiences. The new eaglets require several meals a day which means the adults are flying and hunting a lot! The Cree believed that the lights were spirits of these departed friends and relatives trying to communicate with those they had left behind on earth. If you are like me; you grew up watching Tarzan, loved the circus and the zoo, Marlin Perkins was a hero, Hatari was an incredible movie, and you dreamt of being in Africa.

because the child would be born cross-eyed!In Greenland the lights were also linked to giving birth but rather sadly they were judged to be the souls of still born babies or even babies killed at birth.One of our absolute favourite myths comes from Finland where it was held that the lights were caused by the firefox who ran so quickly across the snow that his tail caused sparks to fly into the night sky creating the Aurora. I’ve done this exact safari 4 times and can’t wait to share that with you! British Columbia is the winter home for 2000 to 8000 Bald Eagles during their winter migration southJoin us in photographing the most significant Bald Eagle migration in the world! I’ve done this exact safari 4 times and can’t wait to share that with you! Not surprisingly, the Aurora Borealis figures prominently in the mythology and legends of most indigenous people living in countries situated within the Auroral Oval and often further afield. You really got me inspired with the Northern Lights again.

Here are just a few of the many and varied beliefs held by our ancestors in North America.The Cree Indians held that the Aurora was part of life’s circle and were the spirits of the dead who remained in the sky but apart from their loved ones. I’ve been on safaris more times thank I can remember, and she never disappoints. When’s the last time you have done this? I have really have to take this trip!I’ve been seeing a lot of articles on the northern lights lately. If you are like me; you grew up watching Tarzan, loved the circus and the zoo, Marlin Perkins was a hero, Hatari was an incredible movie, and you dreamt of being in Africa.
I can’t believe I have gotten a lot of these myths. The lights were deemed to be the spirits of those who had died violently, spirits rejoicing because the sun was absent, spirits of dead animals such as deer and salmon and spirits of revenging enemies killed in combat.Our Icelandic ancestors associated the lights with childbirth and held that they would relieve the pain of delivery as long as the expectant mum didn’t look at the Aurora whilst giving birth (we imagine she had other things on her mind at the time!) That means that you will be clicking a lot!Africa, what a place!

International Folklore. Facts and fiction about the northern lights But the phenomenon can also be explained in a tangible way: We have the sun to thank for everything, also the auroras, and during large solar explosions and flares, huge quantities of particles are thrown out from the sun and into deep space.

I use those images to pre-visualize the kinds of images that I want to make. Dying in battle seemed to occupy Norse mythology quite a bit and the Aurora was also believed to be “Bifrost Bridge”, a glowing and pulsating arch which led those fallen in battle to the warriors final resting place in Valhalla.Top image credit: Antti Pietikainen.

We have built up an extensive range of trusted and knowledgeable Aurora guides, photographers and experts throughout Northern Scandinavia and combined with our 6-point Aurora hunting plan, we are quite simply your best chance for seeing the Northern Lights.Of course, you know that you are watching the Northern Lights, a spectacular light show created by the interaction of electronically charged particles in our atmosphere but what must our ancient ancestors have thought as they stood and beheld the skies ablaze with light? If you are like me; you grew up watching Tarzan, loved theAfrica, what a place! Once you experience a Kenya Safari, you will love it too! The Algonquin’s take on the Aurora was that it was created by light from a fire built by Nanahbozho, their creator. And of course, You Will Be Amazed!Africa, what a place!