The new Insurance Act and the PPRs provides for regulatory and supervisory frameworks which will make it easier for low-income earners to access quality insurance products, said Africa …

Even though the car does depreciate it should be kept in mind that spare parts and labour generally get more expensive with the unfortunate effect that there might not be an automatic drop in premium year after year.Best advice is to contact your insurer or broker and consult with them on whether your premium might be adjusted. There is therefore no reason why you should insure your car for more that this value.It is important to note that a comprehensive insurance premium is amongst others, made of an accident portion (major part) and a theft portion. In the UK motor vehicle insurance is compulsory and government is pushing through tough legislation to tackle UK drivers who don't insure their cars.Consumer education continues to be one of the biggest challenges facing the insurance industry, and most of the complaints to the Ombud for Short Term Insurance are from consumers who are not familiar with the financial services industry and insurance products.The Arrive Alive website will provide some advice to our road users and vehicle owners about car insurance and road safety.Motor vehicle insurance is essentially a contract in which an insurance company assumes financial responsibility for any loss the insured may incur through damage or theft to his/her vehicle. - Amended by Insurance Laws Amendment Act 27 of 2008 on various dates - Amended by Financial Services Laws General Amendment Act 22 of 2008 from 1 Nov 2008: Section 49 - Amended by National Credit Act 24 of 2005 from 1 Jun 2006: Section 43 With South Africa's high accident and car theft rate, you cannot afford to drive an uninsured vehicle. According to the South African Insurance Association (SAIA), about 65 percent of South African motorists are not insured. This certificate is to be presented at the border. In this case, the financing institution will demand to see proof of insurance before financing your purchase. An increase in vehicle theft, accidents and rising repair costs force insurance companies to recalculate the risk and cost of insuring our vehicles.With South Africa's high accident and car theft rate, you cannot afford to drive an uninsured vehicle. [DU MÉTIER has kindly made available information on how to safeguardIntroduction to Accident Scene Safety An accident scene can be a hectic place with a lot of things going on at once. How do we warn other road users of an accident scene and how do we protect our accident victims and emergency personnel from further harm? This figure is alarming, and only emphasises the need for drivers to act responsibly and take out a car insurance policy that will protect them in the event of an accident or collision. With a fast-paced modern life and drivers rushing from one responsibility to another fast food andOnce a road crash has occurred, many different services arrive on the scene with a wide variety of activities taking place. The cheapest type of car insurance, with minimum coverage, third-party car insurance protects you from paying for damage you caused to other people’s property with your car.

Click Here to Find Car Insurance in South Africa. When your car is stolen, damaged or written off in an accident, the insurance provider will pay out an amount based on a variety of values that are determined beforehand.The insurance company takes many factors into account that may affect the risk to the company of having to pay out a claim:The South African vehicle hijackings and road crash statistics provide more than enough evidence to the importance of vehicle insurance.

Too many drive without insurance on the roads of South Africa - a risk which is simply too large to take! This has far-reaching implications for all road users, whether or not they are insured.If you are an uninsured driver, you alone are responsible for covering the costs of repairing your car or even buying a new one if it is seriously damaged. The Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance in South Africa recovered a record amount of R83.9 million from insurance companies on behalf of complainants in 2007.A staggering 67 percent of the complaints received in 2007 related to motor vehicles. Insurance should be taken out on all expensive possessions inside your home. Without discussing this in depth we would like to name just a few:It is important to see the purchase of an insurance police not as a once-off transaction! You’ll have far better peace of mind if you take out at very minimum a third party insurance policy to cover you in case you accidentally reverse your car into a shiny new Mercedes.Car insurance is one of the few areas where it’s a better idea to take the law into your own hands.AUTOINSURANCE.CO.ZA - One of South Africa's Leading Car Insurance Companies