While as the whole II SS Panzer Korps lost only 2 Marder tank destroyers, between 5 and 23 July, at worst the Leibstandarte’s Marder losses were no greater than this small number. The chief protagonists of the battle of Prokhorovka, the Soviet 5Over the years the historiography of the battle of Prokhorovka has evolved from one of Soviet myth (stemming from General Rotmistrov’s need to justify to Stalin the 5To the author, it seems impossible that any worthwhile publication or exhibition relating to the battle of Prokhorovka could not include the remarkable Luftwaffe photographs contained within this article. ‘The Death Ride of the Panzers? Now it was simply ‘target practice at moving targets’. No German tanks were reported as ‘write-off’s on the 12 July. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear. Clearly then on 18 July, the II SS Panzer Korps was still very much capable of further offensive action.Given the superiority of the Germans armour & tactics in the summer of 1943, had the Nazi leadership held its nerve then Operation Roland would probably have been successful.As a result of Model’s reserved use of armour during Operation Citadel, von Kluge’s Army Group Centre would have been capable (granted with difficulty) of managing its expert defence and evacuation of the Orel salient, without having to impede on the strength or ground operations of Army Group South. On 1 May 1943, the Leibstandarte began to reorganize for Operation Citadel.

Interview Guidance. The location of the mass destruction of the 29This article has therefore verified the demise of the majority of the attacking components of the 5No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.2 The photographs used in this article are located at the US National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD and can be found in the Series RG 373: German Flown Aerial Photography, 1939–1945. Guderian hoped to reinstate the organic panzer brigade within each panzer division, something which had not been uniformly seen since 1940. JONATHAN FENNELL Jonathan Fennell is author of Fighting the People’s War: The British and Commonwealth Armies… DR JOHN MITCHAM John is Assistant Professor of History at Duquesne University. Frieser, Karl-Heinz, 57 NARA Series RG 373: German Flown Aerial Photography, 1939–1945. I am an historian who specialises in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) during the Second World War.

For 7 August (strategic reconnaissance by a Ju 88 from 2. Compare 16 July; GX-3734-SK-61 (incorrectly dated as 15 July by NARA) with 7 August; GX-3942-SK-69, GX-3942-SD-124.50 Overy Richard, Why the Allies Won (Pimlico: London 1995), 95–96. The signals were ‘seen all along the crest of the slope’ and also appeared ‘farther to the right at the railway embankment’. DR BEN WHEATLEY Ben Wheatley is a Honorary Research Fellow in the School of History, University of East Anglia and a former Teaching Fellow at the Defence Studies Department, King’s College London. Frieser, Karl-Heinz, 26 The XXXXVIII Panzer Korps and the II SS Panzer Korps were to be attacked from four directions: From the west by 1st Tank Army, including 527 This and the subsequent paragraph are used with permission of OUP. This, in particular, is very useful in highlighting their location around Hill 252.2, – unsurprisingly the operational Tiger has withdrawn and is therefore no longer visible (the company’s only eventual loss during Citadel occurred on 12 July in another sector, see below).At the same time as Hill 252.2 was being defended against frontal attack, the situation was becoming critical on Leibstandarte’s left flank.

Each of the divisions six panzer grenadier battalions were also equipped with a further platoon of three Pak 38s, while the division’s two Nebelwerfer batteries would each have a single Pak 38 for close protection.