“I think that we need to remember...If you've ever woken up in the morning and felt like it'll be a struggle just to make it to the evening? Over the phone, the 28-year-old University of Michigan medical student said that Michigan’s 12th congressional district needs a representative who will be “unapologetically progressive.”. In the actions of our people, we see a beacon of hope, a moral compass towards justice, and the shift from a moment in U.S. history towards a social movement across the globe.Juneteenth will also mark the launch of a summer of change. We are Washington University in St. Louis, but we are from Indianapolis, New York, Georgia, all over the U.S. and the world – these are the stories of our family and friends, and Sean and Ahmaud are their names.Every aspect of our society has been designed to inequitably displace power and access to resources. We will be different, because we are different.Just last year, we were taking a moment to celebrate the 50However, the truth is that Pride was never just about a parade.

Thank you, Marc!The fight and struggle for equity for all individuals under the Queer and Trans umbrella will live far beyond June; we are here to support you in that truth now and in the future.David McAtee – James Scurlock – Tony McDade – George Floyd –  Sean Reed – Ahmaud Arbery – Nina Pop – Breonna Taylor – Botham Jean – Laquan McDonald – Sean Bell – Sandra Bland –  Freddie Gray – Tamir Rice – Eric Garner – Aura Rosser – Michael Brown – Philando Castille – Alton Sterling – Atatiana Jefferson – Trayvon Martin – Amadou Diallo – Emmett TillWe must say their names. In a matter of four days, the student organizers’ demands had been met.ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Researchers at the University of Michigan’s Michigan Medicine and three other medical centers were awarded a total of $7 million from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHBLI) to study convalescent plasma in reducing symptoms of COVID-19 in patients with mild cases, Michigan Medicine announced Thursday.ANN ARBOR, MI — The Ann Arbor Art Center is closing in on a $50,000 fundraising goal to fund up to 10 new murals in highly visible locations downtown. The Supreme Court rulings to maintain the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and protect LGBTQIA workers from being fired for their sexual orientation or gender identity represent the advancement of social justice in our society. These collective intersectional identities are why Black Lives Matter is ringing around the world.We cannot only listen, but need to break the silence. These deaths are unacceptable. Two days later, an online petition demanding reinstatement of coverage for STI testing was in circulation — and already at 1,400 signatures. With more than $40,000, Jen Eyer, Democratic candidate for Ward 4,...ANN ARBOR – Ann Arbor Public Schools announced Friday evening Ann Arbor Huron would be suspending in-person summer workouts for two of its athletic programs after a person connected with the teams tested positive for COVID-19. Trans black individuals continue to die at a staggeringly higher rate than their White trans counterparts, with many of those deaths being unresolved and underreported. So, we’d like to share some thoughts from our perspective as staff at the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) on the impact of COVID-19 on members of our community that demand reflection and action in this moment.Many of us are experiencing being displaced from the home we have created on campus through both the physical spaces we occupy and the social spaces that contribute to our sensibilities of safety and belonging. We must say their names loudly so that they are ringing. While we fight for racial equality and justice, we will say their names. Over the next couple weeks, we will connect you with opportunities across the campus to engage in reflection, dialogue, education and develop an action plan. Again, I am happy they published something.

He is seeking re-election for his fourth term. Huron’s girls basketball and field hockey programs will no longer host in-person conditioning this summer, according to AAPS’s Facebook page.The Motor City Freedom Riders group has launched a symbolic petition asking the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority, also known as TheRide, to postpone collecting bus fares during COVID-19. It is a bold, powerful assertion that we at the CDI wholeheartedly support. And then there's an Ann Arbor professor with a six-figure salary who tweets this week about "burdens" she sees as unfair.ANN ARBOR, MI — The downtown Ann Arbor library is closed temporarily after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19. This must be a time when we should come together as a united community, we can no longer accept attacks on Blackness, state sanctioned xenophobia, and compliance with White supremacy. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at Finally, make sure to visit the CDI Instagram (@wustlcdi) and Facebook group to see a series of Pride Month spotlights from one of our student leaders, Marc Ridgell. Our choice to prioritize and align our values as a university with diversity, equity and inclusion during a moment at which we are faced with the most unprecedented challenges of our time, reaffirms the profound importance this work has on the future of our society. (Photo by Joe Raedle on Unsplash) Experts polled by Refinitiv predict that three million jobs were added in June, a new record high following May's addition of 2.5 million jobs. When their names are ringing, their stories are shared, their lives are honored, their spirit is remembered, they become guiding ancestors, and their names and stories provide us with purpose.In this moment, we must also consider our names and stories, and what purpose will the ringing of our names communicate to our friends, family, to our Black community.