I’ve used Arq to restore a file or two here and there, but this is the first time restoring from a complete disk failure. If you purchased a “lifetime” license code in the past, use that in Arq 6. I feel like I don’t give my cloud backup software enough love.Love @arqbackup. Arq Backup is a cool service that links up to several storage providers so you get a very flexible backup experience; you can even go old-school and backup to a physical drive.

Arq 6 will read and restore from backup data created by previous versions of Arq.

We’re really excited about this. Arq 6 will read and restore from backup data created by previous versions of Arq. I've been using you to back up since 2016 with no real recovery needs, but today you saved my bacon and I easily recovered something I deleted by accident. Today we’re releasing Arq 6! It’s $5.99/month for all the features of Arq 6 for up to 5 computers, plus:Arq Premium is a great option for folks who want a simple, all-in-one backup solution.Arq 6 is a paid upgrade for Arq 5 users. Successfully used @arqbackup to restore over 1TB of data from @backblaze B2 storage. If you don’t have the license code handy, log … Then click the Uninstall button.On Windows, go to Add or Remove Programs, click Arq 6, and click Uninstall. extra space available, use it for encrypted, I need assistance with Arq. Edit 1: I’ve simply formatted the old Arq drive and have a Time Machine backup going now. First time restoring a folder I accidentally deleted that Windows couldn't recover. If you had Arq 5 installed when you installed Arq 6, Arq 6 will use the lifetime license information from Arq 5's configuration files. providers. Arq 6 is an app that you install on your Mac or Windows PC that backs up your files to whatever storage location you configure (see "Back up to your own cloud account" above). We've spent a decade so far improving Arq's reliability and simplicity and providing excellent customer service.We're a stable, profitable company with no outside-investor pressures, so we can always do what's right for our customers.The result is a brand trusted by 100,000+ people to protect their files. Arq Backup 5 is a cloud backup solution which places an emphasis on simplicity, security and value for money. If you are looking for an affordable cloud backup system that supports strong crypto and differential backups, make sure you check out @arqbackup…Arq has been in development since 2008 and on the market since 2009. Arq Backup Review. I got a free (as in, already paid for) upgrade! Is Arq 6 backward-compatible with Arq 5, Arq 4, etc?

You just saved my bacon because I was in a hurry and did not pay attention. Arq Backup 6 was just released. versioned backups of your important files.You can also back up to an SFTP server or an external drive or a NAS.Or back up to all of the above! Version 6 appears to have decided my two external HDs should be excluded and then seems to have deleted a year a backups. We announce things on Twitter and we try to keep up with incoming questions, but we're much more effective via email. Can I use it with Arq 6? Arq Backup integrates with many different cloud Bought @arqbackup today - great backup software. Please note: Arq 6 is not currently backward-compatible with Arq 5 backup data. Great to see it worked so well! If you read this far, thanks! It is really compelling software if you want to “roll your own” backup service, rather than use something tightly integrated with the back-end, like BackBlaze. Quick and easy. Although I’ve been a SuperDuper! We used our 10+ years of backup experience to try to make it the best backup app out there.We worked with Apple to get access to the APFS API, so Arq 6 has native support for creating and using APFS snapshots.This is great because it means Arq’s backup will be a perfectly consistent view of your files at a point in time, even if you’re modifying files as Arq is backing them up.This is super useful for backing up things like virtual machines that are in use, for example.On Windows, Arq 6 now uses VSS for the entire volume in order to achieve perfect backups.Arq 6 has a new password feature. Arq® is backup software for your Mac or Windows PC. I’m very glad, now, that I bought a lifetime license when Arq Backup 5 came out, four years ago. Arq 6 will read and restore from backup data created by previous versions of Arq.On Mac, click the Settings tab. Thank you @arqbackup . "more reliable and easier to use than CrashPlan" Definite WAIT on upgrading to version 6. So if you have a cloud account with some External Harddrive died with ~250 Gigs if Pictures of mostly my Family. Arq 6 is a paid upgrade for Arq 5 users. All of the major cloud storage providers are supported including Amazon S3, Backlaze B2 and Dropbox meaning you can backup your important data to one or more providers of your choice. Head to arqbackup.com to see screen shots and download a free trial. We're working on adding an Arq 5 compatibility mode which will function just as Arq 5 did — same folder structure, same exclusion process, same path-based file selection (on Mac), same Network Volume feature (on Windows). #backup #backup #backup #alwaysbackup

How do I contact the Arq support team? I purchased a "lifetime" license code for Arq 5 or Arq 4.

Arq Premium is a great option for folks who want a simple, all-in-one backup solution. Thanks, you guys rock!