She works in Chicago as the Midwest bureau chief of The Christian Science Monitor. This website uses cookies to

The Christian Science Monitor has expired.

Plant, restore soil, repeat. Amanda Paulson, writer (Boulder, Colo.), has been a staff writer for the Monitor since 2000, writing for national news and covering the Midwest and, since 2011, the Rocky Mountain region.

Amanda Paulson.

Her mother teaches about birds as part of Audubon New York's For the Birds program at Public Schools 36 and 101 in Manhattan.

Gender Female.

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Paulson, 30, is keeping her name. Your session to The Christian -Amanda Paulson, Christian Science Monitor (2/3/15)-Dan Diamond, Forbes (2/3/15)-Maggie Fox, NBC News (2/3/15) - ... (Dartmouth, Michigan) Experiments in Politics (Dartmouth, Duke) The Presidency (Dartmouth) Quantitative Political Analysis (Dartmouth) Political writing.

Scientists say they know how.The election is in 94 days.

Three questions.99 days, 4 lives, 1 pandemic: South Africa in lockdownThe Warsaw Ghetto beat an epidemic. subscription.

The Latest Issue.

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He graduated cum laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon.


Rollins, 28, is an actor and playwright.

The bridegroom's father is a manager at the Kroger supermarket there.

The bride and bridegroom led their own ceremony, marrying themselves under Colorado law, at the Muggins Gulch Inn in Breckenridge, Colo.Ms.

improve functionality and performance. Lived in Frisco and The Colony, TX.

Could nature help curb climate change?How Earth Day united a nation in crisis and sparked a global movementGoing uphill: More skiers take the sport back to its rootsTrump takes on 50 years of environmental regulations, one by oneThe feds take their Portland approach on the road.


Seen & Heard Alumni in the News.

Science Monitor has expired.

The family asks that any gifts be made to the Friends of Dartmouth Track and Field.

Joel Hubbard '82. You don’t have a Christian Science Monitor

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Amanda Paulson, the daughter of Wendy and Henry M. Paulson Jr. of New York, was married yesterday to Joshua Rollins, the son of Yvonne McGowan and John Rollins, both of Buckhannon, W.Va. You can also discover more information about Current Net Worth as well as Monthly / Year Salary, Expense, Income Reports!