This is how she deals with the death of Talyn's John, and it takes time before she can properly dismiss any distinction between the twinned Johns and allow herself to fall back in love again. 1 Aug 7:05am 7 Shop with confidence. 7 5 6 That understandably messes Aeryn up badly, and her lucky option of being able to rekindle the relationship with the very willing Moya-Crichton (“Fractures,” 3.18) is understandably not so easy for her.Her decision to leave Moya and her inhabitants (“Dog With Two Bones,” 3.22) is mainly motivated by her fear of her feelings for Crichton, as she tells him, though the tragic events aboard Scorpius’s command carrier (“Into the Lion’s Den Part 2,” 3.21) certainly strengthened her motivation to run away. 5 1 Aug 7:41am The flashbacks in “The Way We Weren’t” shows the Peacekeepers as almost like the Nazis in their unsympathetic brutality. She continued to struggle and cope with her new responsibilities, especially in the care of little D'Argo, as Moya traveled to Aeryn, Crichton, Sikozu, and Chiana later brought Deke back to Hyneria where Rygel's most trusted doctor could take a look at the infant and hopefully find the cause of Deke's strange ability. 8

Crais perceived Xhalax as a threat and shot her, but before Xhalax died, she reconciled with her daughter and Aeryn was able to let go. 8 Conceived either during John's and Aeryn's Weeks later, however, John and Aeryn were crystallized by an The rapidly developing fetus continued to be inside Rygel until their capture by the Not long after the war, John convinced Aeryn to nickname D'Argo "Deke", both for his initials D.C., and for Deke was the target of a mercenary and tracker named Along with temporal manipulation, the gland on Deke's spine had the ability to interfere with reality, at least aiding in Crichton's journey to an A much older Deke told the story of the War for the Uncharted Territories to children of several races. aeryn-sun loves this track 6 John gave up and decided to turn himself in to Scorpius, but Aeryn refused to leave him there, enlisting the help of Crais and Talyn in the rescue attempt. 5 5 aeryn-sun loves this track Get track Aeryn had believed in her life of rules and service, and continues following many of the codes she adhered to as a Peacekeeper for the first and second seasons of the show. When she does give her name it is to communicate her position: “Officer Aeryn Sun, Special Peacekeeper Commando, Icarion Company, Pleisar Regiment.” Name. The episode was written by Ben Browder who played John Crichton in the series. Back aboard the Leviathan, the crew detected a Scarran transmission emanating from the ship, and drawing in a Farscape Encyclopedia Project is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Get track Get track Farscape Encyclopedia Project is a FANDOM TV Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Aeryn struggles for cycles in The central conflict for Aeryn Sun is her natural emotions versus her dispassionate training. Eventually it came out that Pilot was also feeling guilty over the fact that he chose to take another pilot's place on Moya, and the two reconciled, becoming even closer than before. aeryn-sun loves this track 5 Get track When Crichton was split into two separate yet equally real and identical selves, she found herself on board Talyn with one of them when the young gunship fled with her, "Talyn-John", a now-allied Crais, During this time on the run, the John aboard Talyn and Aeryn actually began a serious relationship. aeryn-sun doesn't love this track The real me.What she learns in her near self-death experience is how to look inward to her self, not just outward to how her environment defines her.When Aeryn suffers a life-threatening injury (“Nerve,” 1.19), her first instinct is to adopt about her injury a passive, fatalistic Peacekeeper attitude.