This is a moon phase for flexibility and adaptability, not for taking risks or making erratic changes. Watch for the moon on these nights!

The August 2020 full moon falls on the same day as Mercury opposite Saturn and aligns with a Saturn-Mercury natured fixed star. Paul. Don’t get too self-conscious if others think you are acting differently than usual.” Plus, the previous new moon on July 20 was opposite Saturn. Making adjustments in response to changing conditions is fine, but making big changes on the spur of the moment could have unintended consequences that could lead to more chaos in your life.The best way to handle this erratic energy is to be open-minded and flexible. Why is the moon red and so low tonight? A FULL MOON will grace the night skies this week with its bright glow – but is the Full Moon today why did it look so big last night? Relevance. My moon is there. This is even more important because the August 3 full moon combines with the The July 20 new moon was opposite Saturn so is causing restrictions, tests, and hardship. The unpredictable changes are made more difficult because the other major aspect in the chart is Mercury opposite Saturn, associated with negative thinking and bad news.Because of upsetting change, or due to an uneasy sense of impending change, you may have trouble relaxing, become easily distracted, or experience rapid mood swings, impulsive reactions, and eccentric behavior.Moon square Uranus can also give a compulsive need for stimulation, a strong need for independence, rebelliousness, and recklessness. You should try to stay as flexible as possible and avoid building permanent structures and systems in your life. Plus, the previous new moon on July 20 was opposite Saturn. Patience and a positive attitude are needed. One arm gripping a branch out in mid stream. A beautiful Moon will soon rise over the UK when it creeps over the horizon around 3.51pm GMT. Also because Earth's rotation hasn't meant it looks apparently higher in the sky yet. However, you will probably have to accept a certain amount of confusion, doubt, and uncertainty. He was lying flat out on his back. This could lead to an extreme philosophical or spiritual transformation that involves astrology, tarot, cults, drugs, meditation or conscious dreaming.“New insights and revelations can actually impact strongly on your daily life. You can then quickly adapt to unexpected changes and take advantage of exciting new opportunities.New relationships are possible and they may be with unusual people, or with people from different cultural or ethnic groups than your own. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.The August 3 full moon at 11°45′ Aquarius is square Uranus as shown in the chart below. Our chart shows the nights of July 27, 28 and 29, 2020, when the moon will approaching this star and then passing it. 7 years ago. So next time your friend mentions how huge the Moon looks, feel free to explain the cold hard facts to them. Of course, they are directly related but it takes time to merge new insights into everyday life.“Such rapid changes in psychological insight will bring instability during Neptune opposite Uranus transit. But negative thinking can make things seem worse than they really are.Keep your messages simple and to the point to avoid misunderstandings. Dates of Moon Phases in 2020 Year. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express

Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships.
Hung on for dear life. The August 2020 full moon falls on the same day as Mercury opposite Saturn and aligns with a Saturn-Mercury natured fixed star. This can be upsetting to your life if your earlier version of reality was vastly different than your new one. Answer Save. Open-mindedness and flexibility will help you adapt to changing conditions and take advantage of exciting new opportunities.Mercury opposition Saturn, plus the full moon on a Saturn-Mercury natured star makes the Uranus changes more challenging and difficult to deal with.