She is now ALMOST eating as much as she normally would. We tried calf manna and corn but he won’t eat that either. But, she isn’t eating, drinking, or producing much milk (understandably so!). This serves two purposes: It keeps the other goats safe from getting the illness and it keeps the ill goat from getting bullied by others when he is down. I don’t necessarily mean someone is poisoning him, but more likely he may have eaten a poisonous plant such as azalea, rhododendron, and oleander. I don’t know any diseases or deficiencies that target in utero males as opposed to females, so I am not sure why only the males died.

The first morning we had him I became concerned when I went out to prepare a better food and waterer for him, he bahhed and I turned about and he was slowly falling face forward and his hindquarters was rising and then it slowed but immediately after he was stumbling around as if he wasn’t able to walk and rocking back and forth. I hope it can shed some light on what happened to the baby goats.I hope that helps. We haven’t had one case of a disease here on the farm and everybody’s happy and healthy right now. Toxoplasmosis is especially concerning for pregnant humans, as it can cause defects or abortion.Chagas is a tropical parasitic disease that is transmitted by little protozoans. Thank you!I am not sure what your goats are dealing with. Haven’t noticed any diarrhea yet.

That is very effective for goats.The vet did give my goat Nuflor for the pneumonia. It can be contracted and spread by both goats & sheep. Really appreciate you.Often when goats become lethargic they either are having digestive issues or and lacking proper nutrition. Iven him digestion mixture also encure injection……What do goat stop have diarrhea? If you do this, know it is a huge stressor for a goat and must be done slowly. Goats need to be supplemented with minerals: They may also have been overran by parasites and became anemic. I am at a loss as to what happened.We had 2 baby goats with diarrhea the last few days and after talking to our vet she suggested deworming everyone.I am curious how you keep you goats healthy. It’s hard to tell how often she’s feeding them, but often she just stands staring at the wall for periods of time and isn’t laying down much..she is eating.
Scrapie is really persistent, but doesn’t always go through the entire herd. I’m concerned though. Give Banamine or another anti-inflammatory drug to reduce fever and inflammation and Benadryl syrup (one teaspoon for kids) or another antihistamine for congestion.For bacterial pneumonia, give antibiotics.

Within a few hours, the signs of inflamed joint (such as heat, swelling, and redness) along with joint pain can be felt by sufferer.

Pneumonia is one of the culprits. I’m having the stool tested just in case, and I am making an appointment to have the girls checked over. Johne’s disease can be transmitted by oral contraction or from mother to baby in utero or from milk.Brucellosis is most often found in cattle, but can also be found in goats occasionally. It lays still on the right side when in pain and it has lost weight. It is best to test their feces and do a coat analysis. She kidded while I was gone, and then this.

She won’t eat grain and she will graze very little. Milk Fever (Hypocalcaemia) Milk fever is a misnomer. I buckling and 2 doelings.
They are about 8 to 10 months old. I think I am going to call my vet and get some thiamine and see if that helps them. I hope that helps.

You may add just a tad bit of molasses to it to make it sweet and tempt her more to eat. Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)Being a breeder of pygmy goats for nearly 30 yrs. He was born very strong and healthy, but what concerns me is that my goat has since then been showing most symptoms of possibly having a second kid, although it has been more than 48 hours. At the end of his little fit he shakes his head really hard and repeats. This can cause stomach pain, as well as other issues. Full of energy and eats like cray. Mammals normally have bacteria in their lungs. I would give small does at the most. Causes of Goat Fever. In the short time that we have had them we have had them it seems like something is always going on. You can … There are antiparasitic treatments that have a higher chance of cure if taken early. They are killed by hot water and hard freezes, but because they use snails and slugs in their development cycle, they thrive in cool, wet conditions.Lungworms cause a dry cough, which is easily treated, although it may leave the goat with a chronic cough if they are severe enough. One night he had labored breathing but hasn’t had another episode (according to our friends) he does walk around but doesn’t play around like his sister. or at least bacterial. It would be best to contact your vet and discuss this with them as some disease can run through a whole herd and are zoonotic. However, this usually has diarrhea, vocalization, and pawing at the stomach associated with it.hi sir hoe are you sir i am fahid from pakistan i have started the goat farming for this i bought male kids of the age under 2 months and 3 to four five months but the kids under two months lived with me for the two months period what happend to all one by one unable to stand do not walk less eating food and death what could be the reasonThey may have suffered from White Muscle Disease which is caused by a selenium deficiency. Not sure if I am just not searching for the right thing or looking in the right places. Scrapie can only be confirmed by the microscopic examination of brain tissue, so if your goat is affected, it’s advised that she be put down, a test performed, then all other goats are watched closely for signs while a deep cleaning and sanitizing of the barn/stalls is done.