Average daily rate of hotels in the U.S. from 2001 to 2019 Region Over the past 22 years, the value for this indicator has fluctuated between $198,000,000 in 2011 and $58,000,000 in 2002.Definition: International tourism receipts for passenger transport items are expenditures by international inbound visitors for all services provided in the international transportation by resident carriers. Tourism worldwide - Statistics & Facts Learn more about how Statista can support your business.Ministerio de Turismo (Uruguay).

For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. * Data prior to 2018 was retrieved from previous versions of the report.Latin America & Caribbean: countries with most international tourist arrivals 2018Nations with the largest share of GDP from direct travel and tourism 2019Travel industry market size worldwide, by region 2019Brazil: economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism 2019-2020You can only download this statistic as a Premium user.You can only download this statistic as a Premium user.You can only download this statistic as a Premium user.As a Premium user you get access to the detailed source references and background information about this statistic.As a Premium user you get access to background information and details about the release of this statistic.As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail.

Explore Uruguay holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". Content & Information Design Excluded are passenger services provided to nonresidents by resident carriers within the resident economies; these are included in travel items. These expenditures may include those by residents traveling abroad as same-day visitors, except in cases where these are important enough to justify separate classification. Travel industry market size worldwide, by region 2019Nations with the largest share of GDP from direct travel and tourism 2019Latin America & Caribbean: travel & tourism contribution to GDP 2010-2019Caribbean: total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP 2019, by countryLatin America & Caribbean: tourism GDP decline due to COVID-19 by scenario 2020Latin America: international tourism receipts 2017-2018, by subregionLatin America & Caribbean: travel and tourism capital investment 2015-2025Latin America & Caribbean: government spending on travel and tourism 2015-2025Latin America & Caribbean: most tourism-dependent employment markets 2018 Latin America & Caribbean: foreign visitor arrivals 2008-2018Latin America: foreign visitor arrivals 2010-2018, by subregionLatin America & Caribbean: countries with most international tourist arrivals 2018Latin America & Caribbean: outbound tourist departures 2018, by countryLatin America: reasons to travel internationally 2019Latin America: spending of inbound tourists 2018, by countryLatin America & Caribbean: domestic tourism spending 2015-2025Latin America & Caribbean: spending on international tourism 2010-2018Latin America & Caribbean: spending on international tourism 2018, by countryLatin America: main cities in international visitor spending 2018Latin America: most expensive business travel destinations 2019Latin America: most affordable cities for backpacking 2020Central and South America: top cities for tourists 2019Latin America: international visitors city destinations 2018Latin America: preferred leisure tourism destinations 2019Monthly hotel occupancy rates of the Americas 2015-2020, by regionMonthly revenue per available room of hotels in the Americas 2015-2020, by regionMonthly average daily rate of hotels in the Americas 2015-2020, by regionLatin America: countries leading hotel construction 2020, by number of roomsLatin America: number of projects in the lodging industry 2020, by project phaseLatin America: jobs at risk in travel and tourism due to COVID-19 2020Mexico: impact of COVID-19 on the tourism sector 2020Brazil: economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism 2019-2020Dominican Republic: impact of COVID-19 on tourism GDP by scenario 2020Ecuador: economic impact of coronavirus on tourism by scenario 2020Bolivia: economic impact of COVID-19 on tourism by sector 2020Central America: number of tourist arrivals 2010-2018Cayman Islands: number of tourist arrivals 2005-2018Belize: number of foreign visitor arrivals 2008-2018U.S. statista.es Number of restaurants in the U.S. Its highest value over the past 22 years was 23.13 in 1996, while its lowest value was 11.04 in 2014.Definition: International tourism receipts are expenditures by international inbound visitors, including payments to national carriers for international transport.
In Ministerio de Turismo (Uruguay). Their share in imports is calculated as a ratio to imports of goods and services, which comprise all transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world involving a change of ownership from nonresidents to residents of general merchandise, goods sent for processing and repairs, nonmonetary gold, and services.Source: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files, and IMF and World Bank imports estimates.