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Jun 23, 2018 - Umberlee, Intermediate Goddess of Anger, Wrath, Storms and Tidal Waves Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea. In his human guise, Iakhovas appeared as a handsome lean muscled man, heavily tattooed and with long hair. If a ship captain pays for a good westerly wind and no storms, then it shall be done. Because of this she’ll smash any ship foolish enough to put to sea without at least one woman on board. During these tantrums, no one and nothing is safe from their wrath.

The Queen of the sea is not too partial to who sails upon her waves, but she is capricious and unpredictable.

No community that lives by the sea can ignore the influence of Umberlee, the furious goddess whose tempestuous nature reflects and is reflected by the waters of the deep. He was also the leader of the Kraken Society. Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber-LEE ), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, is the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. The clerics of Umberlee save people from drowning and help guide boats past water hazards.

The like of which has never been seen. Vain and desirous of flattery, she is excessively greedy for power and revels in exercising it. Once Iakhovas had taken enough wealth, he began to foster alliances, including buying the services of the pirate king of the With his allies and influence over King Huaanton, a massed army of undersea monsters and At the climax of the war, Iakhovas was killed at the hands of “ "The evil is a creature.

There is little in the way of an organized clergy of Umberlee. After Everbloom destroyed the former capital of Neo Faerun, and the Order subsequently adopted their Scorched Earth policy towards all plantlife, there was a period of starvation and food crises throughout the Neo Faerun areas as a good deal of their prevously fertile farmland had turned to desert and barren wasteland.

She controls the harshness of the sea and while reveling in her own power, is not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleases. She controls the harshness of the sea and, revelling in her own power, she is not hesitant in drowning people at sea, if she so pleases.

Clerics of Umberlee are, all in all, extremists. Umberlee. He eventually drew the eye of He set foot on land again, in what would eventually become known as When it came time to attack Umberlee, Iakhovas discovered that he had drastically overestimated his ability and equipment. Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber-LEE), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, was the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. Umberlee (pronounced: /əmbɛrˈli/ uhm-ber-LEE), also referred to as The Bitch Queen and the Queen of the Depths, was the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. ... She is a triple goddess, a fierce aspect of the Great Mother, often serving as a guide to those moving through difficult transition. Tiamat, Dragon Goddess Umberlee, Goddess of the sea Eberron Pantheons. Description. Even without the mercurial gods of the Realms, the sea is a place rife with danger.

Halystina umberlee is a very small species, barely reaching a shell height of 2 mm. Fees are usually 1d4+1 gold pieces for each person on the boat and an additional 3d10 gold pieces for the vessel itself.The cleric’s chaotic or evil impulses are manifested in fits of destruction when angered.

Among these were a temple in Urmlaspyr, Sembia, a small shrine in city of Marsember in Cormyr and another small shrine in Hillsfar, on the Moonsea. While Umberlee's main allegiance lies with the Neo Faerun Order, she is not unknown to accept offerings from others. D&D Beyond They are fiercely loyal to friends, passionate lovers, and violent brutes to their enemies.JavaScript is currently disabled.